Free Bombs to use

Day 1,942, 20:35 Published in Japan Japan by ardishabutaro

You still have 8 Bombs in your inventory that will expire on Day 1,943 01:25. You must use these items, otherwise you will lose them. - yesterday

Ok. I am tired of this. Not getting buyer for my bombs, even for cheaper price (8 Q7 Tanks for 1 million). And this time almost injury time for me to spend the bombs.

So i offer to you all, reader to my newspaper. To use my free-bombs to war you like.
NO NEED to pay me for every rocket I use. You only need pay me moving ticket, if it needed me to change location. FYI, my location is in eJapan, so don't pay me for MPP war in eJapan.

Just comment here (in article), the link, and the side to spend the bombs. 1 people 1 bombs. The offer ended at:
- I spend all my bomb
- Bombs expired (Day 1943 1:25)

No need to subs, already get my MM; shout or vote is up to you ^.^