First Observations

Day 586, 09:07 Published in USA USA by Lieutenant Scheisskopf

As a newcomer to the game, I know I do not have experience with the New World's history and therefore am largely conjecturing on the present state of our country with a fairly limited frame of reference. But what I have noticed, so far, are three major issues that need to be addressed, discussed, and if possible, resolved in order to reassert the United States as the undisputed premier country in the New World.

1. eUS politics appear to be driven too much by self-interest and party affiliation. Compared with how the political systems and elections seem to play out in other countries, the eUS political scene is very factionalized in such a way that discourages cooperation and inclusion. It is perfectly fine to disagree with the decisions made by our leadership (from what I understand, Scrabman has made a few questionable judgments), but it is unacceptable to ignore our nation's call when she needs us. To appear divided against the enemy means we all lose.

2. Too many businesses are running out of supplies and not allowing the people to work. Whether this requires more responsible business managers, or less stringent taxes on materials and importation is something I have not yet determined. The eUS is almost 33% larger than the next largest country (Indonesia and Hungary take turns as second-largest), and although much of our size is likely due to inactive players, we should use our numbers to generate a robust economy that is capable of producing competitively and for supporting our workforce. Many of our industries also seem too preoccupied with making expensive goods and not on focusing on affordable products, but that may be a topic I save for another day.

3. The priorities of the American military appear to be out of order. With insurgencies preoccupying Indonesia's time, and war across Europe, this is a great opportunity to build our defenses and strengthen our soldiers independently of international conflict. Rather than, in earlier months, looking for a fight, we should assure that we are safe and prepared to meet all challenges.

Thanks for reading this first article. More will follow.