Felettébb érdekes jelenség

Day 1,443, 13:59 Published in Hungary Hungary by moczok

Sőt, lehet mondani, paranormális jelenség.

Az üzifalamon néha megjelenik egy shout.


(Egy az egybe kimásoltam. A dátumokat figyeljétek, az az igazán érdekes.)

Ja, és XtaSia nem a barátom.

XtaSia wrote 9 months ago

Hey friends! 🙂
Whatcha doing?
26 · Comment · Vote

Mikhail AlexanderCHANGE IT BACK!
9 months ago·Vote·50

Antonio Wimerviva facebook
9 months ago·Vote·49

teo.andreitesting arround here
9 months ago·Vote·50

LarmHow can I report you for spamming? 😃
9 months ago·Vote·52

9 months ago·Vote·51

seeinvoicesfacebook FTW
9 months ago·Vote·52

Kandonoh noes...
9 months ago·Vote·52

Ignakixtasia, remove this shit please.... eRepublik is not facebook, is a political, estrategic and economic game.... well, now less.. 😕
9 months ago·Vote·54

hurkancsJust looking at this nonsese xD

Maybe it would be better that it\'s on right side...maybe : )

Will we get Zynga Poker too!? 😃
9 months ago·Vote·52

BoboTheMightyconfusing your enemies is part of strategy 🙂
9 months ago·Vote·53

vryai can\'t comment in other shouts, and this must be in the right side not centre.. 😑
9 months ago·Vote·53

anglovWhy you move it? If it stay at right, it would be nice.
9 months ago·Vote·53

KoratosWhy don\'t u add a \"I like\" feature ? 😃
9 months ago·Vote·53

Bristel AkinaOh hai Xtasia \\o
9 months ago·Vote·52

vryaok comment fixed, please move this thing to right side !!!
9 months ago·Vote·55

hurkancso7 : ) u mad? 😛
5 months ago·Vote·60

5 months ago·Vote·57

hurkancswdf 😒 6months ago 😒
4 months ago·Vote·55

Antonio Wimer:/
4 months ago·Vote·47

hurkancsn00bs 😁
4 months ago·Vote·46

4 months ago·Vote·48

Ignakifuzzy and blue... i am fuzzy and blue...
3 months ago·Vote·42

seeinvoiceswtf, 8 months ago
30 days ago·Vote·30

2fast4u TRwow realy?
24 days ago·Vote·32

Digital Lemonthe first available shout after the revamp 😃
4 minutes ago·Vote·3