Ezekiel25:17 and a lesson for a certain somebody

Day 2,401, 03:38 Published in Ireland Ireland by Releasethe Krakken

Seems we have a little confused racist in our midst. So for the sake of the little racist I will just clarify some things.

1. Location Location Location

I as eRepublikan player do not life in America in RL . America:In Erepublik its the nation below the Pink blob commonly called Canada.

South Africa: Its the nation to the bottom of Africa.

The African American population came mostly from North Africa. Whereas some of our brothers is said to come from our North but still from Southern Africa and other of our tribes lifed for millenia in South Africa like the Khoi San

2. Cultures - When you call an african the N-word he may not be offended at all similarly talking about stereotypes such as watermelons , fried chicken etc is mostly meaningless as the people of South Africa has a different culture a culture they have practiced for thousands of years such as adult circumcision etc. Such as Traditional Schools where they learn the signs and culture of their ethnic groups. Our cultures is almost not influenced by America at all.

Lastly I think I sense in you a general misunderstanding although it is not really more offensive to me than it would be more for a person of another heritage such as Irish American it is nonetheless frowned upon to use such stereotypes and words in gentle society. If I therefore express disgust it is not to do with me being an african but it directed at your stupid attempt at racial slurs etc which is very offensive and which will offend other persons in our very small society on a personal level such as Seanan perhaps. Personally I laugh at your racist humor as its you who come out the fool after writing such articles.

3. The Einiverse

To put it into final perspective for the person you will never meet the person sitting the computer and neither will he you. Why it is therefore necessary to refer to any real life attribute of him is beyond me.

Ezekiel 25:17 - ty for inspiring this name

The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he, who in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness, for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who would attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know my name is the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon thee.

[gun fire - as spoken in Pulp Fiction]

After much negotiations Coyoxl and her eHubby had decided to give me their party as they are onto a new journey. Good luck to them . All persons is welcome to join me in this party and I MIGHT consider running a few people for CP as well. I am not officially retired from politics but feel a little breather is in order after being excluded from congress for illegitimate and vindictive reasons by Seanan a person who should have never been appointed speaker. That said like most clerics I daily laugh at our politicians vanities and mega discussions of game topics. There is really a few persons who has lost the plot completely and life on eRepublik for real inbetween jam sandwiches and mumsy's tea. [cough cough iaaan KEERS cough cough] May you never get so delusional in my party.