eUSA Citizens Please Fight Red in Liaoning

Day 765, 06:47 Published in USA North Korea by dawenxi
If RW in Liaoning can not secceed, after Jilin ends, eUSA's Liaoning will be attacked by eHungary.
If RW in Liaoning can secceed, after Jilin ends, eUSA will be safe. eHungary can not attack eChina's Liaoning.

eUSA has updated DoD Orders Fight red in Liaoning

See what Jewitt said.
Fight Red in Liaoning if JIlin ends

A resistance war has been started in Liaoning, and must succeed. This means all citizens and non-ordered soldiers are to fight red, for the resistance effective tomorrow when Jilin ends. This will return the land to China, where it rightfully belonged before the Iranians took it long ago.

This will make it so Russia does not have the ability to take the United States directly via the initiative mechanics of warfare - among other key strategic reasons. Also, the world is about to blow up, namely Europe, so keep an eye out and do not be distracted by resistance wars and other battles that may be created to prevent you from seeing the true target.

What do we do next?

It is soon to be Christmas Eve, a season when everyone (including myself) spends time with their loved ones and family. This is why that for Christmas Day, we hope not to have any "major" conflicts raging, but Liaoning's ending tomorrow night. I ask that all Americans be able to log in once and fight five times red for Liaoning. If you are able to log in Christmas day, fight ten times in Liaoning on Christmas eve and use Christmas day as a recovery day.

See what Josh Frost said.
Fight in Jilin and Fight RED in Liaoning

First off, Fight in Jilin:

Fight RED in Liaoning:

Too many articles shouted out 'Fight Green". Obviously they want to confuse eUSA people.