erepublik newspapers

Day 2,092, 08:57 Published in Romania Philippines by Nuclear tasos maximous

erepublik newspapers

What is the purpose of a newspaper in erepublik? Many people have different opinions about that. At one point I will agree, some people use it to troll for fun. This is really good because after all this is a game and we are here to have fun.
Some people use it to inform others for a huge variety of subjects. Some of them are:
The current state of the alliance
Battle orders
Game updates
Things that have to do with national and global economy
Personal opinions about issues
MU statistics
And I really can continue writing for topics that you can have. The options are really endless.
There are people that use their newspaper for publishing personal dreams and some others use it to express themselves because after all behind every screen there is a real player(that includes clones 😛)

Of curse there are some people that use their newspaper for evil purpose writing articles of hate, this is a category of people that won’t analyze here.

People that really try to write something good are getting a reward which is not just a medal in a profile and 5 golds. The reward is that their article is seen and been voted by many many players. There is a good feeling in that, to know that you wrote something good, something that it is really appreciated by many, something that makes you recognizable to people. This is the motive that will keep you writing.

Many of us have a really big problem on finding the right topic and a bigger one trying to analyze it. Nobody said that this is one easy task, nobody said that we are going to take the Pulitzer prize here. But lets be honest don’t you think that we should try for that? Don’t you think that there are more things to do here instead of pressing the red button? I like reading articles although translator don’t do such a good job 😃
Recently I saw this article although I didn’t got a single word till I had some help it was fun and in this case I have also many examples to give.

There is always an easy way you can go and buy votes get the medal get the 5 gold’s and have a place in top 5, or you can take the hard way like I will do now and try to improve your self. This is not easy but I promise you that it has more fun. The choice is yours