Election Interviews and Remember Pasha P183

Day 1,963, 03:18 Published in USA USA by Silas Soule

This is SNeN, the Socialist News and Entertainment Network!

This paper carries signed articles from a variety of writers who are members, friends, acquaintances or perhaps even friendly critics of America's favorite wacky band of commies, anarcho-syndicalists and whatnot, the ever-loving far-left Socialist Freedom Party.

Today's election-day article is from comrade LordOther

Interview with the CP candidates April 2013

by LordOther

In this article I interview the top 5 candidates for CP

My questions were:
1. What are you expecting to accomplish if you win the CP elections?
2. What is your platform (add as much info as possible).
3. What was the best thing you did before running for CP?
4. If you win what are you going to do after your term is up.
5. Who do you think is the best eUS President of all-time and why?
6. What was the best alliance in your eyes past and current?
7. Would you try to keep us in CoT or get us out?
8. What is your favorite aspect of eRepublik? (media, politics, economy, etc.)
9. How do you feel about relations with the Balkans?
10. What are you going to do if you do not win CP?
11. Why should other eAmericans and myself vote for you?
12. Do you support small (ranked 11 and under) or large (ranked 10 and above) political parties?
13. What are your past political experience's congressman, ambassador, secretary etc.
14. Who is going to be in your administration? And if you don't know yet where can people sign up to try to join your administration?
15. Is there anything else you would like to say to the American people, to the readers of my newspaper, or to myself?

Answers (In order of soonest received to latest):

1st warwound4

1. I would like to lower taxes and raise minimum wage. This will make EUSA more of a free market. This will also allow the average citizen to donate more to the Air Strikes.
2. The best thing I have done so far is be elected to Party President of The Revolutionary Party. We still have a long way to go to get to the top. I will say this "We started from the bottom now we are here."
3.I will run again and again till the changes that I want are made.
4. Emerick, is the best he lead our country through the Great War of 2009.
5. The Northern Alliance has been the best in my eyes. Although it ended way to soon. We need to be on the front lines and in the larger countries back yards ready to strike if necessary.
6.I would get us out. Then I would start our own Alliance on our terms. It would be called "Americas Alliance". This would take some time but would forge a strong alliance. Bottom line we need to be protected, not a charter member.
7. I like the economy even though we need a few changes, like lower taxes and higher wages.
8. Im happy with the current situation in the Balkans.
9. I will continue to grow my Party and prepare the Revolutionary Army for Battle.
10. I would love everyone's vote. You should vote for me if you want a change and more change in your pocket.
11.Yes , as I'm in one of the smaller parties. I believe everyone has a voice that needs to be heard and listened to.
12. I don't have any past experiences but i have a circle of trusted advisers to get our Great Nation through anything. They consist of Past Presidents and Congressman.
13. I would like to keep that quite for now. I will however be taking applications through private message. Just message me if interested.
14. I would like to say thank you first of for taking the time to conduct the interview. I would also like to thank the readers for taking the time to see what I'm about.

2nd Vanek26

1. Get back some bonuses, fight in a war or two.
2. Keep doing what I'm doing.
3. I was MoD of USA for over a year and SC of Terra for many months during the peak of Terran power.
4. Probably help out MoD team.
5. Josh Frost - Got us 10/10 for the first time, spent a lot of money to help the country.
6. Terra and currently they all suck.
7. meh
8. Military
9. Balkans are the centerpoint of the game, but its important to not get over-obsessed with them.
10. I'm gonna win.
11. Because I'm proven competent and my opponent wants to destroy the country.
12. I support all parties made up of people not wanting to destroy the country.
13. Like I said, I was NSC Chairman (MoD) of the USA many many times. Been a congressman 15 times, Alliance Supreme Commander, lots of stuff.
14. Mostly the same, a few changes like Othere will be SoI since Rainy is having RL issues.
15. I'm working hard to get bonuses and wars that are worthy of us.

3rd Ronald Gipper Reagan

1. I am hoping to change the corrupt nature in which this country is run.
2. See my paper. I published it a few articles ago.
3. I would say being instrumental in forming and leading the AFA. I did not do it alone, but I put a lot of sweat, blood, and tears in to forging this fantastic party!
4. Run again? haha, then two click in to oblivion.
5. There haven't been a whole lot of good ones really. I like that Justin whatever his name was because he put being eUS CP on a resume. Good stuff.
6. PEACE GC seemed pretty awesome but it's been dead for years. I am a big Left Behind fan!
7. I'd find a middle-ground. I will not work with countries actively supporting the occupation and oppression of our nation.
8. Politics by far. If there were no politics I would've hightailed it out of here in 10 minutes.
(I asked him who the allies and troublemakers are just so it would be more specific) 9. Some good potential allies there (Serbia), and some troublemakers (potentially Macedonia). It is a mixed bag in my opinion.
10. Keep improving the opposition to make victory possible in the future. It is a pretty remarkable thing that the AFA is in its 7th month now, so we must keep soldiering on.
11. I am honest and speak my mind. Some people don't like that but I stand by my convictions, regardless of the personal cost.
12. I support parties that stand for liberty.
13. I have run the gauntlet except for CP. I like to say I am the most qualified person never to be President.
14. People can message me with the details of their interest. So far I have only chosen three-term Congressman Enkel as my Vice Presidential nominee.
15. I would hope they would not listen to this Stalin-esque government propaganda and not take it at face value. Dig deeper and you will find the truth!

4th Sulejmani

1. Today the United States of America live in a big twisted of emotions.
Inside of COT, USA fells used and at the same time have a great love for EDEN that willy-nilly is in its last days and not even close to that was some time ago.
We have friends and brothers nations where we have great brotherhood, perhaps creating a third way would be a good option. Put the all nations with a common goal can be interesting.

2. As my candidacy for president was placed at the last minute, I could not honestly put together a nice platform and not a dream team.
But I think lead the country in the best way possible, with responsibility, wisdom and working very well our diplomacy, we can go far.
Include programs and improve retention of new players, encourage the production company to become increasingly attractive to purchase our products, seeking to market in other countries through one competitive price and strong advertising can bring huge economic fruits and extra cash Government to invest more in the players' fun.
Facilitate dialogues with other nations to leave doors open for a third way.
Trying to neutralize the Political Takeover ever spent.

3. I've done good and bad things in those 4 years erepublik.
I was president of Brazil by 2 times, 25 times Minister of Economy, and am one of the owners of the largest business conglomerate in the Americas with over 25,000 companies in golds, where we have more than 60 shareholders.
I helped to resume ties with the USA when I was president of Brazil, helped create the alliance PANAM and love helping new players.

4. If anyone call me to help in future gov i will help. Or i can doo nothing again kkk

5. Oh my god, i love Glove, Max F., Alex. H, Alex Aut., soo many guys who i can work together.

6. ORIGINAL PANAM, in the Earlier, we were focused and with a common goal, that is what is lacking in today's alliances, and that's why the TERRA ended.

7. Get outside, are countries without a common goal, any alliance that created thereby doomed to failure.

8. Friends.

9. I think everyone will agree with me. It's time to refocus. Balkans is so oldschool

10. Fight, win money, fight, win money, fight, win money and talk with my friends.

11. Because we love DIO and I Love DIO and DIO IS INSIDE OF OUR BLOOD.

12. Everyone must be heard, those who do not want to spoil the country must be heard. A nation is sovereign and only great when its people are united and respected, so listen to the majority and minority is of utmost importance.

13. 2 Times Brazil CP, 25 times Minister of Economy, 1 time MOFA, Founder of PANAM Alliance, 1 Time Minister of Communication, Congressman, 2 Times PP.

14. I dont know yet, but anyone can help



And dont Forget

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and last but not least 5th ghinculov

(He was experiencing RL issues so his answers are very recent and he kept it to the point)

Just know that I'm not a politician, I'm not an army guy. I fight for the regular player, not for those that divide our taxes between them.

If I win (I know it's a far away chance) I'll try to lower taxes, expand our alliances favoring our old allies and introduce transparency in the spending of the public treasury (who gets what and, especially, why).


There are the answers to the top 5 CP candidates for April 2013. I LordOther will try to do this every month. Do you have questions for next month? Post them here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1Dwhe92Io_gF8rAYKi-PbgK8DPb_JRs0O4ej7yv33KSM/viewform

In other news...

The international e-voluntariat loves you and will miss you Pasha P183! R.I.P.

Art belongs in the streets!!

Pasha P183 was sometimes referred to as "the Russian Bansky". He was found dead on Monday at age 29.