El WARGAME de Olivieira (Parte I) [Editado con Tratado de Paz]

Day 1,471, 15:27 Published in Argentina Spain by Durruti

Hola bolus.

Como ya dijimos ayer, hoy hemos cumplido nuestra promesa y de paso, también, estamos ayudando a Olivieira a cumplir sus más eróticas fantasías, es decir, wargames everywhere en los cuales España recibe y los otros no paran de dar.

En otras palabras, un bukkake "pactado" tras el cual, como se descuiden, de España no va a quedar ni las raspas gracias a esa gran mente pensante elegida por la mayoría de los Españoles (que no hay que olvidarlo).

Así que nada, en breve estarás disfrutando viendo que tus inteligentísimos movimientos militares/diplomáticos han dado sus frutos. El fruto que merece semejante sartá de despropósitos, claro está.

Besitos, especialmente a Olivieira y Chris Piazza, ese malote que anda prostituyendo sus "logs" para ver si al menos su butthurt se ve recompensado con cuatro míseros ESP.

Seguiremos informando...

P.D. No olviden que esto sigue siendo un WARGAME.


Talkewa wrote 4 minutes ago

A los que me visteis pegando en contra, hoy Oliveira ha firmado un NAP con Portugal donde promete no ayudar a Venezuela y no atacarles en un mes, allì la Razòn.

A tope. Olivieira, el que decía primero que lo del wargame era pactado con Venezuela y luego que era para ayudar a los aliados, ahora salta con esto.


Desde aquí también quisiera hacer un llamamiento a las Cajas de Ahorros que todavía queden vivas, para ver si su Obra Social se puede apiadar de Olivieira, esa pobre criatura, para así poder labrarse un futuro una vez que salga a patadas de su cargo el día 6 a las 3 de la tarde.



Official Peace Treaty between Portugal and Spain (30.11.2011)

Following the current events in which Spain declared Portugal as their Natural Enemy, the Spanish President contacted the Portuguese President requesting to change both countries statuses from “War” to “War Games”.

1- The state of war between Portugal and Spain comes to an immediate end, resulting in War Games between both countries.

1.1- The War Games will take place in the Portuguese region of Madeira and the Spanish Region of Extremadura.

1.2- Ending such War Games, this peace treaty will then be valid for 1 month. The agreement will therefore expire on the 5th of December of 2011.

2- There will be no currency or gold indemnities of any kind between Portugal and Spain, except the agreeded in point 5 and 6 - a);

3- There will be no restrictions for both armies to take part in allies battles.

4- Ending the War Games, all original regions of both countries must be kept by their rightful owners.

5- If article 4 is not respected, for each region illegitimately occupied, the new owner of such region(s) will be obliged to pay 250g to their counterpart.

6- If either ONE or EDEN country members fight for Spain or Portugal (respectively or vice versa) trying to break the treaty - Ignoring official warnings from either the attacking or the defending country to not attack or defend-, there will be no indemnity paid by the attacking part. Therefore:
a) The attacking country must always lose battle, otherwise 250g payment is to be sent to the defender;
b) Battles should open only 24h after the last to shorten the number of battles until voting the end of the Natural Enemy;
c) In case of other countries force the treaty to be broke no payment is dued.

7- During War Games:

7.1- While defending, the country must always achieve victory in order to obtain the initiative;

7.2- While attacking, the country must always lose battle.

8- The present treaty will become effective after both Governments publish it in each of their Official Country Newspaper.

9- After the 7 days period of Natural Enemy both countries agree to approve the law of ending Natural Enemy.

Signed by:

Lucifel, CP of Portugal

Olivieira, CP of Spain