eJapan Performance March 2013

Day 1,963, 01:37 Published in Japan Japan by ardishabutaro

If you read this, that means Oraizan still slaughtered Tohou, with power of god Haruhi. Poor Hizaya...
Ok. Back to topic. Now is Government rating, by me: shabutaro!

Head of Government
CP: Oraizan
vCP: Myung Kei
- Well, we have Mrs. beautiful President this month, with her habit in alcohol (lol). Truly blessing for us, we have the beaten the record so far, include our successful in media, money, relationship with other country, and uniting eJapan.
I may say that this is the best term i know, well without trolls, and flame war in media.
But, Oraizan, never appeared in media, leave it into her superb minister...
- VCP, ya. I know his job is for complement (or backup for) Oraizan at her absence, but poor my connection in eJapan IRC, and mass message, i never see him at media, replacing Oraizan absence.
Well maybe only once, minister meeting, but only once.
Rating for Oraizan: , Keitty:

Ministry of Defense
Mo😨 Ceda.mj
vMo😨 Milutin Markovic
Ao😨 Metehan2010, Ardishabutaro
- Ceda.mj. Well, putting Serbian people is good here, he have strong connection for the strongest country in eWorld; but, i never see him in media, or IRC (poor my activity on IRC).
- vMoD became active in this month, publishing article almost everyday, so, i appreciate his work
- AoD, simple, we don't work this month. =_=a
Rating for Ceda: , Milutin , and AoD team:

Ministry of Foreign Affair
MoFA: Kowalski_afc
vMoFA: Squibeel, Veprina22, Trayker
- Kowalski only appear once at media, hiding in IRC (well maybe for my poor activity)
- vMoFA became more active than MoFA, especially Trayker and underground activity Squibeel. Well, i haven't seen Veprina at all this month. Where is he?
Rating for Kowalski: , vMoFA team:

Ministry of Finance
MoF: Irial
vMoF: Ahava3233, Rik Daphnee
- Well, this is the best achievement of government this month. Financing department. Maybe we loss 20-30k of cc because unexpected change from Plato, but i give him a great rate this month.
vMoF: Never seen Ahava3233 in gov this month, Rik also XD
Rating for Irial: , vMoF team:

Ministry of Security
MoS: Aryzn
- I am surprised at first, Oraizan pick only 1 person for this department, looking behind the PNG people work before, and so far, Aryzn respond the challenge better than my expectation. He became very active this month, and reply all applicant, and report it on forum!
Rating for Aryzn:

Ministry of Health
MoH: Trayker
VMoH: Rik Daphnee
- Trayker. Again. Her job is very well this month, in Information division, Foreign Affair division, and in this division: Health. So far, her job is going very good, spending money to people in Japan! For us!
- I never seen Rik this month in health division 🙁
Rating for Trayker: , Rik:

Ministry of Information
MoIn: Zodiarque
vMoIn: Trayker
Well, maybe this ministry is only the one not work at all, until the end. Zodi, only appear as his capabilities as Speaker of Congress.
Rating for Zodi and Trayker:

Ministry of Education
MoE: Lucifel
vMoE: Auraborus
ET: Aister Pendragon, Natsu Natsumee
- MoE only make an introduction article, and in the end, Shirobu continue it, and continue supplying eJapan with tanks.
- vMoE so far, not working, with his busy in RL. btw, thanks still supplying SSG \o/
- ET: Only Shirobu appears at Kokawa Jinja Program, giving us supply, with a "little" education.
Rating for Lucifel: , vMoE: , ET:

Ministry of Cultural and History
MoCH: Sir Robin Ibz
SoH: Amaterasu Omikami
- Sir Robin is the best minister i know so far, his creativity with this job, making us more colorful than last month. Before him, i think it the best MoCH is Oraizan with her quiz, but this month, Sir Robin make me feel, he is the best people in the best time, and in the best position.
- Amaterasu not appear at all this month XD
Rating for Robin: , Amaterasu:

Like Michelin Star (in cooking), i am giving rating so far for people here:
divided into five. You can guess yourself 😉

Best Performance:
- Sir Robin Ibz , i appreciate his work, with this position, superb job!
- Trayker , her job is fantastic this month, but i don't think it is good for our future (with giveaway at MoH)
- Irial , this month he doing a fantastic job, also i am worried at his achievement only because he supplying us money from his own wallet. I am worry about our future, our future independent.

Worst Performance:
- People not work, like me, matehan, Auraborus, Amaterasu, Zodi, etc.

Another ideas for Oraizan next month:
- Stay away from Alcohol (it will bring you more nosebleed XD) /me not doctor, lol
- Compacting your department. Only 1-2 people is enough.
- Bring back Senpai and Kohai, it is better than giveaway (from Kokawa Jinja, or MoH event)

Another compliment:
- Good job bring irial (and his money) to BoJ
- Fantastic job for bring Trayker, and Ceda (and his money) to our Foreign Affair
- Good job this month!

Ten Thousand Years!


Additional Info: ASIAN EMPIRE!
This still being discussion between diplomat. I will work to create this possible! At 7th (hopefully), i will tell you the progress
(well, we still need to wait until next CP elected)