Economy Weekly:Outsourcing my production

Day 1,875, 05:22 Published in Ireland Ireland by Releasethe Krakken

Raven Ananrcho ends with a tune of this band. I will start with it.

Always when one shifts your focus economically its like every business owner also does it. If your selling weapons and buying more and more weapons factories. If you turn your head to the side you will see your neighbor and his neighbor is doing the same.

Often I am the forefront of these trends. So please do not follow my lead. SHoo shoo. What this article is about is that I am outsourcing 5 of my Q1 weapons production. All you have to do is provide me with 120 Weapon Raw Material per factory. Lets just say I have become disillusioned by the 12.50 IEP I make from the factories on a good day.

But donate 120 WRM to me and I will give you the production. Also telegram me and I will sell them @ 9 GOLD a pop. I have placed one in the company market.

Ok from my point of view the following is a complete fail:

1. All Weapons. You can do the calculations yourself.
2. Selling IEP in the currency market. I tried this strategy. Placed it and it never showed for some reason. I think there is 100 's of players posting offers within a few milliseconds of each other. We are all thrown together and you fall onto page one looks there... immediately. But the offers remained set so still kinda baffled by the transaction.

Q1 food is Ok but difficult to sell. The rest is also iffy at best. So buying and selling and our market. Our market has a higher tax rate than other countries atm. So there is more taken from the transaction. Due to our low numbers we also have a very death market. Buy large quantities and it lies there and lies there till you get fed up and dumps it and take the few dollars knock that goes with it.

To end here is 2 tracks in the same genre as the first one:

Ramones with Blitzkrieg Bop:

this song is cool but can be done in a faster pace with here and there a change that would be awesome. Well anyway still good song.

Again the ramones with I want to be sedate😛