Economy Survey Analysis and Prizes

Day 1,271, 03:23 Published in India India by Lord Bernin

Hello guys n girls,

Thanks for the overwhelming response to the survey.

Here is the summary of the data gathered. Total number of participants were 51.

1) Country of Residence and Citizenship-

Living in India and holding Indian Citizenship 41%
Not living in India and holding Indian Citizenship 10%
Living in India and holding other country's citizenship 0%
Not living in India and not an Indian citizen 49%

So we had 49% participation from Foreign nationals. Thats cool. We still have majority. 😃

2) Choose one that best fits your case while using Monetary Market.

I directly sell gold for currency and vice versa 35%
I post offers on Monetary Market 37%
I don't bother and both of the above apply to me. 27%

3) How many companies do you own

0 18%
1 4%
2 16%
3 4%
4 14%
5 14%
6 12%
7 6%
8 0%
9 2%
10 2%
More than 10 10%

4) How many friend boosters do you have?

0 37%
1 (+10😵 6%
2 (+20😵 57%

5) How many food companies do you own?

Q1 41%
Q2 18%
Q3 4%
Q4 2%
Q5 0%

6) How many weapon companies do you own

Q1 18%
Q2 6%
Q3 8%
Q4 2%
Q5 4%
No response for House, Hospital and Defense System Companies.

7) Which Raw material company do you own

Iron 79%
Grain 93%
Oil 7%
Stone 2%

People may select more than one checkbox, so percentages may add up to more than 100%.

😎 Which training booster do you use frequently?

Army Boots (0 gold + 10😵 41%
Boot Camp (0.19 gold + 50😵 41%
Caesar's battles (1.49 gold +100😵 0%
Napoleon's Victories (1.79 gold +200😵 18%

9) Do you work in your own companies as General Manager?

Yes, Daily in all of them. 78%
Yes, Daily but in some of them 2%
No, Sometimes 2%
I don't own any 18%

There were mixed responses for the final question that is "How many Raw Materials do you buy Daily?" with 60% of the people saying they do not buy Raw Materials daily.

After a lot of reading, it is now time for the most interesting part. 😉 I know not many were interested in the stats.

Here are winners of Q5 weapons-

Citizen Name......Response No......Award
Evan Feinman..........7...................1 Q5 weapon 5 Q5 food
shah007zaad..........30.................2 Q5 weapon 10 Q5 food
fighter100................18.................3 Q5 weapon 15 Q5 food
RD1234.....................23.................4 Q5 weapon 20 Q5 food
kacko........................52.................5 Q5 weapon 25 Q5 food

Congratulations to all the winners. Please post a Comment below "I want to Claim my prize".

Signing Off,
Anant Singhal