Economy Survey

Day 1,267, 13:28 Published in India India by Lord Bernin

Hello Guys,

It has been some time since I have posted an article.
First of all, I would like to congratulate Timerjack for a superb display at the Presidential election. I wish him all the best for his term.

Here is a survey on Economy. Please CLICK HERE to go to the survey.

1) Get 1 Q5 food for filling out the survey.
2) Get another 1 Q5 food for voting and subscribing. For verification, write Vote number and Subscription number in comments like "V-10 S-59"
3) There will be a lucky draw on Day 1270. 4 winners will get 4 Q5 tanks each.


Please shout the link of this article to get maximum people to participate.

Anant Singhal