Economix:Planning For CHaos

Day 2,408, 06:55 Published in Ireland Ireland by Releasethe Krakken

If one looks at the economy of eRepublik and the chaos theory its apparent that this is what is happening to eRepublik. Although the chaos theory say the results of a dynamic system that yields a unpredictable results due to its initial conditions. Even though the system is deterministic. Or whatever. Facts is eRepublik prizes is no longer predictable. The most popular item WRM has fluctuated ever downward to about 0.04 cent. Even the World Cup campaign did nothing to raise prizes.

For the basically no bonus country like us the goalposts is moved ever farther whilst we never get close to them. Small term changes also seem unfeasible. For example I couldnt justify buying 100 Gold its just 100 gold would equal +- 1000 WRM would equal at a dump rate 30 IEP per day extra or 0.15 gold per day.

The problem is Plato created a unfair world. We have mega countries with massive populations and all the resource bonuses and then you have small nations with 1 or 2 who dont even have a significant enough population to defend their 1 resource. An eCountry like eUruguay has 1 region.

What is more citizenship passes is based on population and a big country have several passes per citizen vs our 40 per month and 1 per congress member.

So from the US to us little will flow but from us to the big nations there is no restraints.

This leads to a lopsided economy in China a player can with far less gold equal a old player in eIreland. His 100 GOLD investment also bring him more.

So the problem is therefore twofold when one plan in eIreland either hit a small target multiple times I would suggest one of the 10 gold buildings or face the realities that your never going to reach that goalposts.

Currently I think there is an oversupply of items this coupled with the fact that our bigger WEPS producers is avoiding smaller Irish WRM Wholesalers due to their inability to compete with Chinese , USA etc players. Leaves most of us dumping our stuff for little value to Ireland and to our own bank accounts.


Funnel your money into your storage. For a long time now Plato allowed us to grow 9000 storage per week.

Secondly funnel your money into cheaper WEPS offers. By doing this you eliminate the need for a bigger storage whilst still retaining the value of your product.

Starve the market. If this message could be spread our prizes will recover in a day. But the big producers in China dont care they just dump their stuff each day and grow ever bigger and make ever more money in a day.

If the WRM producers started working together and enforce prize levels we could see the recovery of the last working part of the economy.


Plato I have now told you why I didnt spend the money for that 100 gold. Its very easy raising numbers in small countries = same bonuses as a big country(and kcef the "so called strategy", same number of passes than a big country(and kcef the PTO complainers)

An Irish person might not want to play in the USA but still might want to earn more its easy make his situation locally better and you might have bigger populations in smaller countries meaning more gold for you.