DoD Restructure And Orders!

Day 876, 14:59 Published in Ireland Ireland by Irish Department of Defence

OK, this mail is in two halves, please read it all!

We have reorganised the IDF, Most divisions have now been merged to form 4 different divisions, these are.

Irish Rifle Division
Irish Tank Division
Irish Helicopter Division
Irish Artillery Division

Na Fianna still exists, and will continue to exist under v2. Announced in a few days will be Division heads for all of the new Divisions, these people will be in charge of not only there own division, but an ORG which will be assigned. The ORG will have a weapons company, which under v2 will produce the weapons that will be used for each division. There will be set people in each division that will distribute weapons, via the IRC channel.

We will be adding new Logos, Ranks and Rewards for all our Army members shortly, and will publish this along with all other information both in an article and to the wiki.

This is all part of the IDF prep for v2, note that for now people wont be able to swap divisions, however we will be allowing people to change to the weapon type that they wish to use come v2 shortly, once we have organised other parts of the IDF.

Please stick with us whilst we are working through things! If you wish to signup to the army, or cant find your name on the army lists, please post on the following thread -

If your unsure of what group you are in, mail this ORG, and we will reply asap with what division you are now in.


As of now, almost everyone in Ireland will be deploying, the following is what groups are deploying, and to where, with instructions.

India - Na Fianna, Irish Rifle Division, Irish Tank Division
Deploy to Jharkhand, India.
Fight in Active wars against Serbia
If you want a job, apply for jobs in companies on the following ORG, when you want to be fired, simply mail the ORG. -

South Africa - Irish Helicopter Division, Irish Artillery Division
Deploy to Northern Cape, South Africa
Fight in Active wars against Brazil
Try and find jobs where the ORG owners are active and your able to be fired instantly.

Weapons will be provided for all Na Fianna, however, other divisions will fight without weapons, unless otherwise instructed, please ensure you add this ORG as your friend so that you can see orders in the Shouts.

For free Moving Tickets and Weapons when needed, aswell as latest orders, join #IDFSupply on Rizon.

Those who are not part of the army and want to be deployed also, need to signup before we provide any moving tickets!

Any questions, feel free to leave them in the comments, or send a mail.

Please Vote, Subscribe and Deploy!

Minister of Defence