DoD orders Day 1,462 [MoD CC]

Day 1,462, 15:55 Published in New Zealand New Zealand by NZ Ministry of Defence

These are general orders for NZSF, NZDF, militias and civilians! Please VOTE AND SUBSCRIBE to this newspaper!

Ok, since the eAussie congress didn’t pass their NE with us we will be attacking first. This will occur just after day change. I will remind u all that this is a TW!! If we are attacking then we must lose!! So hold your fights or go & fight for eAussie if the wall is in our favour.

We have traditionally been very badly behaved in most of the TWs we have been involved in😃 What can I say...we just hate losing. But for the love of Speights, be good this time!!


Thank you and have fun eKiwis!