Diplomacy game

Day 471, 23:50 Published in USA Czech Republic by milestailsprower

This is my next article. Why? It's trifling. Duh. And it's 1:30 AM how am I supposed to come up with anything good.

So I've decided to talk about the Diplomacy games I'm playing right now.

Diplomacy has 7 countries all fighting for supply centers. The combat system is simple, but the point is to make alliances and stab people later because you're not bound to anythin you say to the other players.

In one game, I'm playing as Italy, which most people who play do not like. I do like playing as Italy.
What's happening is that me, Germany, and England had teamed up against France, but England didn't move for a turn. France implored me to go attack my neighbor Austria because after we took him over, Austria and Germany would have turned on me. I right now have decided to go into Austria. It's the build season (get more troops) and I have no builds. Better start capturing.

So I'm planning to move into Austria and make all these elaborate excuses about this and that while worrying whether France will invade me while I'm in Austria. Then I talk with Russia and Turkey and they all want to take down Austria. So I'm going to follow through. Right?

France had managed to get one of Germany's unprotected supply centers and siad he would give it to me. I was planning to move through Austria, but his offer was right next to where I was planning to go. So I had no dea what to do there.

THEN I had to resolve who supported who into Greece (it had an SC) and I told Turkey I would support him in rather than I get my unit supported in.

Now I don't know whether Russia and Turkey can really focus on Austria because they're fighintg each other, and I also don't know whther Austria will build in where I'm planning to invade or if he will do what I feel I want him to do.

My brain still is trying to get this madness. Luckily I have another day to think about this.
If a lot of people knew this game, I'd start naming specific places, but it's not. So, I'm going to settle for giving you background.

I also made this link which was an uploaded media file.


I decided to take some songs raise the pitch so they sound almost midget like, take excerpts, and mash it together. I got that. It's not long or anything, but it took me forever to upload it.

And if there's nonsense in this page, it's because I'm writing half-mindlessly without my music on.

There were some few people who did not like my first article. Well, now it's not as strict, intellectual humor or anything. It's not the stuff I do when I'm actually thinking about it. Or is it. I don't even know what the difference between this and the first article is anymore besides that I thought a lot about what to put into the first and that it was mostly real events and I was mostly awake and stuff.

I like rambling on and on and on, but if someone wants me to do serious articles rather than trifles, I could technically do it.

Oh, and I have to give credit to the songs I edited and uploaded.

Miss Murder
Chop Suey
It Ends Tonight
I Am a Rock

Not necessarially in that order.

More about me and diplomacy:

I like playing as Italy and am starting to like Austria
Loathe playing as Russia
Play at:



I had a school assignment to write a solution to economic crisis or fix poor laws in 1800s. It wasn't worth much and it could be joking. Mine was exaggerated, but still a bit serious. Of course I wrote about a revolution in government and aspects of what I would believe good to rule the state. Like treason commiters being deported, not executed. Heavily regulated Business. etc.

Ok, I'll stop here.

Come back next time for... I dunno. Something trifling. What do you expect?!?!?!

General: What's the crate on the ship say?
Soldier: G-A-M-E-S. Nothing but games.
General: You fool!!!!!!!!
Soldier: ?
General: It says G-A-M-E-S. Gonna attack my enemy soon!!!!!!!!!!!

@ General o_O

Au revoir for real