Diamonds maybe are forever, but gold is definitely not - EDIT

Day 964, 10:47 Published in Croatia North Korea by William Thomas Riker

Ovo je editirana verzija mog zadnjeg članka.
Pokrenuo bih simbolični MM projekt. Iako i hurkancsov i dalje traje, svi već znaju da je „jako teško“ odreći se 3 golda. Svi koji žele sudjelovati u ovom projektu moraju samo donirati 10 kn organizaciji Starfleet Engineering Corps. Ne bojte se, jest u Srbiji, al je zapela u Slavoniji, a ne mogu ju preseliti. Razlog zašto želim da tamo uplaćujete novce je kako bih lakše kontrolirao tko je uplatio. Taj org nema nikakvog novca i sav novac koji tamo vidite bit će od donacija. A uostalom, svatko može vidjeti s koliko novca neki org raspolaže. Tko uplati, njegove novine će se naći ovdje na listi koju ću redovito objavljivati i proširivati. Nakon što se skupi neka okrugla svotica novac će se donirati Ratnom fondu ili Crvenom križu, ali to još nije konačno odlučeno. Ne morate slati pm ni komentirati, vidje ću tko će donirat orgu, otići ću na njegov profil i izvuć podatke o novinama, tako da vi imate što manje briga. Nema nikakvih uvjeta. Evo podatka da vas ohrabrim. Ukupno sam dao 8 golda za ovakve projekte, a dobio medalju i 3,5 golda. I te golde sam potrošio braneći Slavoniju. Pouka: dijamanti možda jesu vječni, ali goldi nisu.
Lista za subanje je dolje.
Svaka vam čast: 27 glasova, 7 komenatara i 1 sudjelovatelja. Pravi ste „Hrvati“, nema šta... Nije čudo što smo u rasulu...

This is edited version of my last article.
I thank you all for MM medal and for the support shown during the presidential elections. Without any further consideration I can say that coalition of 9 small parties succeeded because we won 4th place. I hope we will continue to cooperate and that other small parties will join us. Frenky98 and DaDot deserve a special thank for work done in my campaign. I want to start a symbolic MM project. Although the one run by hurkancs is still active, all of you know how “hard” is to give gold away. All of you who want to participate just need to donate 10 HRK to organization Starfleet Engineering Corps. Don’t be afraid, it is in Serbia, but it stuck in Slavonia. The reason I want you to donate there is that I can control easier who donated. And everyone can see how much money is held there and who donated. Donate, and your newspapers will be placed here on the list I will regularly update and expand. After we collect a nice amount of money, it will be donated to Red Cross or War Found, but I haven’t decided yet. Don’t leave comment or pm because I will se who donated and find the newspapers in his profile. There are no term, requirements or rules. Let me encourage you. I gave 8 gold for this project and got 3,5 gold and a medal. The gold I spent defending Slavonia. My point: diamonds maybe are forever, but gold is definitely not.

Eternal Messenger donated 20 HRK
Nezavisna Hrvatska donated 9,23 HRK and 0,08 gold
eKnjiga zalbe donated 20 HRK