Dear eUSA - I am coming back

Day 4,461, 14:46 Published in USA Switzerland by tef1

It has been an honor to be in eIndonesia. I have made a lot of friends here. But, it is time to go back to my original eHome and rl home. eUSA, here I come to you motherland. I missed you so very much.

I know I am a clown. I know I was controversial. But, I am a patriot. I deserve a chance to entertain and be goofy around genuine friends.

President CG - what a testament to your leadership by the end of your extraordinary leadership - the clown is back home after nearly 3 years in exile both in eSwiss and recently in eIndonesia. A job well done sir.

I will be a good journalist. I will be speaking in the third person - why not I am a clown after all. A psychopathic clown but a clown non the less.

I will end the disastrous lack of discord channels. I will end the disaster that is forum based politics. I will do all these and so much more.

I will be reinstated as the unquestionable king of eUSA. No one will dare even to question it.

I will end the anti CG movement once and for all. He did well and he deserves our thanks.

Hail CG - the once and permanent CP of eUSA.

Hail Tef1 - the King of all jokes and Emperor of eUSA. I am back yall.