CrayolaButthole for South Carolina

Day 977, 13:49 Published in USA USA by CrayolaButthole

CrayolaButthole for South Carolina.
Hey folks it is almost time to vote again. And this will be the first full congress to serve in the V.2 era. And this congress will have some tough times on their hands with the new Military module, high taxes, and an inflating market.

Who is CrayolaButthole?
Well, I'm a bit over 10 months old in eRep now. I have done alot for my party and i have gained alot of knowledge. In the UIP I have served as the Sec of Mentoring, and communications. I now serve as the UIP IIS Chief, and sec of Fun. Yes Fun. I ran in the UIP PP race, i conceded to the great J03 Freyer. I have also been active with military and with other things within the party and nation. And I want to help fight for your rights. I want to make the nation a better nation. I have several things I want to address.

Q. Do we even need to have donations anymore?
A. Yes, I am pro donations. I believe to make the eUS stronger we need to donate to keep programs running. I would hate to see many US programs eventually going out of business because of going bankrupt.

Q. Is in necessary to have the eUS budget almost fully Military?
A. Yes it is really necessary. The reason is because The military is what keeps this wonderful land. And without funding the eUS military would die. In order to supply supplies and guns to all service man we need to pump money into the Military.

Q. Are the eUS taxes to high?
A. No, the taxes are right where they should be. They do not need to rise. We dont live here for free. But we dont need to tax the heck out of our citizens.

Government Transparency
Our government is a diplomacy, by the people for the people. Our government is a well structured so called company. For ordinary citizens of Erepublik running our nation the best they can.

My main goal is to make sure that we can control Phoenix. We also need to make sure that our allies actually help us, because they haven’t been showing it much lately. I believe we need to With wars involving the US popping up everywhere we need to update our maintain our Defense System.
Eden and Brolliance.
Well in order to win we need to keep relationships with many Eden nations and our bros. With the invasion of Russia, we need as much support as possible. California has been lost, we will regain it. The Polish have help us out so much, Poland has attack nearly every state the Russians have attacked. Russia is our biggest enemy we must fight them at all costs.
As I said they need to be maintained and controlled we won’t be able to wipe them out all together, but we can prevent potential PTO. We don't want a potential PTO to happen to the US.

Many americans live in California. The US Governement is calling for a statewide evacuation due to the Invasion and Russia Capturing it. The Government has called for all Americans to migrate to the US fortress of Florida. Do not fight if you live in California you will be fighting for the Enemy. Buy two moving tickets. First one use it to move to Mexico ( reason they are neutral, and you have to move to a country.) Then use the second one to move to Florida.

Why vote CrayolaButthole, for South Carolina?
I hope that you find me the most qualified to help represent your state. I am a very active member and I get the job done when it is needed. Well I believe I am well qualified and I care a great deal about this eNation and want to protect my people. But if you want to be successful vote for me and I’ll help you.
With Crayola you will get where you want to go.

I hope for a good clean race. Check out my Erepublik profile at:

So if you want a Congressman who will fight for you vote for me I’ll get you to where you want to go. Vote CrayolaButthole on July 25th in South Carolina and your life will get a lot easier.
I got your Back

Thank you

My Resume

Chief of the UIP IIS
Sec of Fun
Debate moderator
Former UIP Sec of Communications
Former Mentoring Director
Found of the UIP Hall of Fame.
Founder of the first UIP Militia.