CP State of the Nation Day 3061

Day 3,061, 11:42 Published in Canada Canada by Exalted Druid

I would like to thank everyone who voted for me. This term will be a little different for me, as the other times I have been CP we all had the same very specific goal. Like getting rid of Albania or a foreign dictatorship or launching an AS somewhere. A goal we all shared.

During my last term I regret I was unable to share much of what was happening with our plans to remove Albania. Most of what we were able to say was more to mislead Albania then it was to inform you.

Any thing can happen in this game so you can never be too comfortable but we look to be in a fairly secure position. Having Serbia guarding the gates does have its privileges. In past history when there has been multiple attacks to “free” the UK and Ireland at least one of those liberators would have chosen to stomp on Canada for a while.

In fact this is pretty much the first time I can remember that did not happen. Thank you Serbia.

Should also be an interesting month on the foreign affairs front as the long predicted alliance shuffle appears to have begun in earnest. Pacifica looks to be the big winner so far.

More balance should bring more interesting wars. Our goal will be to continue to work with our current proven allies and at the same time have our ears to the ground to see what is happening elsewhere.

What do you prefer Bonus’s or True Patriot cash? I like the idea of being able to fight for Canada one way or another to keep the TP rolling in. I don’t like only making 10 weapons per worker every time I push the work button.

Ideally it would be nice to figure out how we can have both.

Yours Respectfully

Exalted Druid

Just for old times sake…………………………