CP Candidate Presentation

Day 2,053, 12:14 Published in Austria Austria by exkrementensammler

My dear Austrians!

As u already have seen, I'm running for CP this month, for the first time. There are many things i want to implement, but let us just start with the basics. As for the standings in the eWorld, i want to continue working together with the other TWO nations the same way Rangeley and Schwrzwolf used to do. This also includes building new friendships and cultivating old ones for the sake of eAustria.

There are many other things i want to do if i win. One of the most important is of course the activity of the players in the chat rooms. It really serves as a communication center, so that means it's pretty important that players know where they can find us. The actual cabinet has been doing a great job, so i want to keep some of the cabinet members, but i also want to include some new players to bring in some fresh air. That's the only way to get more experienced, so please contact me if you are interessted and think you can handle one of the cabinet jobs. Of course i know, no one is all knowing, but if you spend some time on rizon the game will soon become more attractive to you!

In addition it is a particular concern of mine to put as much effort as i can in signing MPPs with actively fighting nations. I know it's very frustrating for you if the the Daily Order is stuck and you cannot complete it. Regardless of this, moving to Hungary is always a good idea. You can stay there and finish every Daily Order from there, because they can afford lots of MPPs.

Furthermore, if affordable, I want to make a revival of our "common hit" action.

"Politics is too serious a matter to be left to the politicians."

Charles de Gaulle

I am always willing to pay attention to every kind of an advice, from battle warfares, to economics and foreign affairs. It would mean much to me if some of you really wants to share his/her ideas and thoughts; maybe it will help for a better eAustria.

I wish good luck to the other CP candidates and I call for your vote on the 5th of July.
