Country President Debate!

Day 1,046, 13:36 Published in Israel Israel by Sam Krak

Hello everyone!

1. I'm not running for CP anymore. Personal Issues. 'Nuff said.

2. I will be hosting a Country President Debate with CRoy and Gavin Wax on Sunday October 3, at 1800 eRepublik Time. It will be hosted at #erepublik-israel on the rizon server.

I will be taking questions there and if people PM me in-game with questions. The debate should last anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour, and I will repost it here edited once it is complete. Afterwards, people can meet the candidates and talk to them! (Not like you don't already do that)

So come out October 3rd, 1800 eRep time at #erepublik-israel on the rizon server and support your candidates for Country President!

Sam Krakower