Communist Dance Party Number 3

Day 1,867, 09:24 Published in USA USA by Silas Soule

Gloriosa communistis chorum, mirabile

Wow, I took a quick break from the dance floor to check out my inbox and other chatty stuff and wow, like there was like a Firestorm of Controversy (TM) raging inside the hallowed halls of the SFP's Inner Sanctum.

Now, normally I wouldn't make much of it because, as my favorite waitress puts it (who, BTW, is way funnier than Zooery DeChanel person in that "That Girl 2012" show, or whatever it's called) ...

And as for raging controversies inside the SFP? Well, Pffft.. If I remember correctly, that is practically required by the Party Constitution.

Heh! (Little inside joke there...)

Anyhoo... here's the inside scoop.

In this case, the controversy erupted over the fact that SF Party Prez Lysander Spooner II (who, of course, is a well-known terrorist symphathizer) had basically provided a soapbox for Citizen "Terrorist Symphathizer Number One" Candor to present his alternative view on Roundly Executizing the Nation by nominating him for Country Prez with the SFP button before the SFP had held its CP primary vote.

The rationale offered by Citizen Spooner II for doing so was that providing a placeholder candidate is a common practice and that it doesn't mean the Party has endorsed the candidate.

The Loyal Opposition, led by The "Holy Hell" Norm argued that doing so contravened the ultra-democratic spirit of the Super-Awesome SFP Constitution and also mis-represents the perspective of the Party majority on this month's Presidential contest.

Words were said. Some of them nasty. Some tasty. Some just plain silly.

For example, as official Consigliere and unofficial Yoda of the SFP, I wisely and cleverly contributed to the debate by making an obscure reference to an obscure film review regarding a small-box-office film that rewrote an ancient but classic anime character: Astro Boy. Long-time observers of the SFP will remember that the longest-serving SFP PP, Mark Valshannar, was a huge anime fan. So...just in case you are thinking (incorrectly) otherwise: making such literary metaphors is not, in fact, totally out of keeping with the Party's traditions.

Here is what I said. Hopefully it's meaning is clear and it gives you some sense of the deep proletarian principles that were at stake in this epic fraternal struggle over the correct political line:

"This reminds me of what Kristen Bell, who played Cora in the 'Astro Boy' film, said about the main character: 'He has machine guns that come out of his butt. But they're not uncomfortable for some reason, they just fit right up in his butt, and it's no big deal. Which fascinates me.'"

So. Yeah. There you have it. Here's an artist's rendition in case you missed the movie:

In summary...


Naturally, I can't speak for the SFP as a whole. That would be inane.

Last month the Party voted to support John Jay in the primary, but then withheld its support for the Unity candidate in the general election and put up Ghost of Tom Joad as a lulz/protest candidate. That reflected a general level of discontent within the SFP around the Unity process.

I won't go into all of that since most people are already familiar with the various pro-establishment, anti-establishment and anti-anti-establishement arguments and debates. Let's just say "The debate continues", shall we? It remains to be seen if the SFP will throw its endorsement to the Unity candidate this time around, whether or not he or she wins the SFP primary, or if they will continue with their cantankerousness.

My personal opinon is that, personally, I like all of the candidates. Except for RGR, who gives me gas.

Fingerguns and JJ are especially cute. It is really great to be in a 6th party these days when the candidates come courting. They make me feel a bit like Sophie when she stumbled upon those two cute puppies in Max and Caroline's apartment.

And that's my opinion.

Well, that's just about enough my opinionating, isn't it? Let's take a look at what's happening over at...

Gnilraps asks for nominations for Citizen of the Year. My vote is for Thedillpickl, because FU Elitists grrrr!!

Good ol' Max McFarland 3 posted a pretty good article summarizing perspectives on the two leading CP candidates in Unity interviews: fingerguns & John Jay. BTW, I have no idea what SPQR is or why all the hard-core Dioistas are suddenly shouting it all the time. Can somebody clue me in?

And sadly, James Pro of the duct-tape times has indicated in Well fine then that "this might be the last article of the duct-tape times"!! Don't let this happen. The duct-tape times is national treasure. Please take a moment to give this fine writer some suggestions on things that can fixed by duct tape.

Kids! Get on the bus!! The Socialist Freedom Party encourages YOU to join the...

How do you do it?
Write often, write freely, and don't be afraid of no one no how not ever.
That's it!

Hey, do you enjoy free electrons? So do we!! Join the Socialist Freedom Party today.

SFP's home-made particle accelerator. It's part of our sooper-seekrit program to Build the Worker's Bomb. Ooops...

Tired of politics? Done debating for the day? Yeah, me too.

So Let's Dance!!! Yay, it's the Communist Dance Party!!!

Commie Dancers can break-dance through the Matrix!

Bears love a Communist Dance Party!

Communist Dance Party -- Taking it to the streets!