Clash of the V2 Titans

Day 1,015, 19:17 Published in Brazil Canada by TemujinBC

Ola Brazil!

This is my first time publishing in Brazil. I am sorry this is in English, but I have not learned Portuguese yet. Perhaps one day, if Pitanguinha ever gives me lessons on IRC channel 😃

Today, in the battle for Wales between UK and Canada, there was an Epic Fight between two major fighters. As many of you have seen, the website MaxiHellas shows the total battle damage for players in V2 Rising. I am currently ranked #6 in The New World with nearly 90,000 total damage! But of course, the Brazilian Hero, Tank, and Legend Rakan Bobamit is ranked #3 with over 110,000 total damage. Even I am jealous of his credit card hahaha.

If you are a Brazilian citizen, you should certainly send Rakan a friend request!

As I said, today there was an epic showdown between two Legends.

TemujinBC vs Rakan Bobamit

1 vs 1

To determine the Ultimate Fighter.

No boosters allowed.

And so you can see the result, Rakan saved the picture. But he doesn't have a newspaper so I have to publish the screen shot:

Click here for large image

Did I mention we only used Q1 rifles? trollololololol!!!

"After 471 rounds..." yes, the Legend Rakan defeated me 🙁 I think he uses hacks, maybe someone should report him to Admin. But it is okay, I will get him next time (do not tell him I will use Q2 rifle, it will be a good surprise). \o/

Thank you for reading my article. See you on the battlefield!


PS: Chrisft isabutt