Challenge Coins Awards

Day 1,373, 09:50 Published in USA USA by George Armstrong Custer
Monday Minutemen Bring It, Baby!

Wait... there's "Rules of War"??

Dateline: Wednesday August 24, 2011 (Day 1,373)
Location: Takin' dirt outta Boss Man's ditch
Reporter: George Armstrong "Old Man" Custer

Be sure to see today's top Announcement, below!

Honoring Volunteer Fighters
The last Monday Minutemen event was held on Tuesday August 9. On that day, some 80 volunteer fighters (give or take) fought for freedom on several battlefields across America and Europe.

Many of those who fought on August 9 had also fought the week before, on August 2.
These Minutemen are honored first today, with a second silver star being added to their Challenge Coin card.

Many, many more volunteer fighters from around the Allied eWorld joined the Monday Minutemen for our second event on August 9.
These fighters earned a Minutemen Challenge Coin and their first silver star.

Thank you all for participating in the second Monday Minutemen event!
Be sure to Save your Challenge Coin card to your own computer, and either save the URL of this one or upload it to your own online image stash.
Display your Challenge Coin proudly in your Forum signature line, and keep it handy in case another Challenge Coin honoree challenges you to present your own.

Please join me in offering a hearty o7 salute to these extraordinary fighters!

Personal Political Endorsement:

Jack O'Conner in Iowa, the AMP candidate for Congress.
Jack joined me in Switzerland last year where he served in Swiss Congress as well as in the Swiss Guard as CO of the Politicians' Platoon.
More recently, Jack has run a small "seventh Party," the NCR Party, and runs the Mojave Express newspaper. Here's his Presentation piece.
Jack was also honored with a Challenge Coin in the June 9th edition of the Army Times.
He's a straight shooter and a hard worker who does his homework before voting, and listens before speaking.
Jack O'Conner is a valuable asset to America-- we need him and more like him in Congress.

Sponsor this program
Send cash or gold and I'll buy tanks. Send tanks.
Or just watch the stock dwindle as we give away tanks, and in a couple weeks this morale building tool will be shelved.


A Challenge Coins Challenge:
I would like to try to run another Monday Minutemen event next week.
I would really like to make it a properly organized joint effort involving both JCS and USAF forces, with leadership of both organizations directly involved in planning and execution of the day's fighting.
POTUS, SecDef, CJCS and Vice CJCS'es, have received a game mail from me outlining my proposal.

My RL job is killin' my game play, I've pretty much become a 2-clicker.
I'll be sleeping today for work tonight, and won't be able to Shout and Spam this article. Please copy/paste the handy "Shout of the Day" to get the word out about today's Challenge Coins presentation.

Shout of the Day:
Monday Minutemen Challenge Coin Awards
Also, A Challenge Coins Challenge!
ReShout It!

Recent Payouts: We sent 906 Q5 weapons to 78 volunteer fighters at a cost of over $38,000 USD, and delivered an estimated 8.3 Million in damage on Allied battlefields.

Recent Donations: Donate cash and tanks directly to me.
Please see the previous edition of this paper for a full list of Donations.
New Donations:
(8/24): sonix has transfered 1000 USD to your account.
(8/24): John Killah has transfered 150 USD to your account.
(8/26): Legionary Cannon has transferred small amounts of 14 different foreign currencies to your account.

Recent Purchases: The math is kinda fuzzy on this due to the odd foriegn currencies received along with tanks, USD and Gold. I did the monetary exchanges necessary, and Libby and myself have added to the stock as well.
(8/24): purchased 35 tanks

Current Stock: 2300 Q5 tanks.

If you want to join the any branch of the USMilitary, the Training Corps is the place to start.

Do you have what it takes to be a Marine?
4000 strength, rank of General, 940 minimum influence per fight with no weapon

George Armstrong "Old Man" Custer
Marine Corps Media Officer

Tune in again for another edition of Halls of Montezuma
Until then, Semper Fi, America!