Celebrate Canada

Day 2,871, 15:48 Published in Canada Canada by Exalted Druid

Celebrate Canada. We have achieved what few countries have ever accomplished, we have the illusive triple war with a double Air Strike. I think my job here is done.

Along with the UK war, two Air strikes are incoming from Albania and Italy. They will be funded by our friend Colin Lantrip. I had hoped getting peace with Ireland would put an end to his interest in us.

I have never had a conversation with him so I can only speculate on his motives. I think this latest attack has nothing to do with his dislike for Rylde or us but simply Albania looking for a place as far away as possible from their home regions to set up.

We will not be making it comfortable for them. Our allies are strong and we remain determined.

We have been up against these odds many times. No deals. There will be plenty of TP for us all.

Before we all start turning on each other I would just like to say a couple of things.

Game mechanics is game mechanics. We are only responsible for the buttons we control and choose to push or not push. I’m tired of people blaming me for buttons being pushed that I have never had any control over. No one can prevent someone else from pushing their button.

Even now with this perfect storm coming people choose to play the blame game. Don’t waste your time and energy affixing blame. I will gladly accept all your blame if you will work with me on solutions.

There is nothing like a good wipe to get us working together any way. I do not fear a wipe but if it happens, we will go down swinging and we will keep swinging.

Yours Respectfully

Exalted Druid
CP of Canada

PS: Vote NO on the Airstrike. The timing would never work.