Caution is needed

Day 4,426, 15:15 Published in Switzerland Switzerland by tef1

Dear Citizens,

I would like to begin by thanking you all for the cooperation you all have shown during my time as CP. I hope I made you proud.

We are about to elect a new CP soon. We have two wonderful candidates and one questionable candidate.

King Philip - the last time he was active was nothing but trouble. A lot of OGs remember him. I believe in second chances but he has not proven himself yet.

It is kind of odd one of the largest parties nominated him as their candidate - I hope they reverse such decision.

Voters should not reward his behavior with the CPiship without proper verification of his changed attitude. His candidacy announcement was alarming. The second portion was not much better.

The purpose of this announcement is not to tell you who to vote for. The other two will serve us well regardless of whomever wins.

I suggest for one of the two main candidates to drop out of the race so King Phillip is guaranteed to lose. If they do that a grateful eNation is sure to grant their patriotism with the CPiship next term. I fear a three way race could lead to a tragic outcome - a victory for King Phillip.

One way or the other, it is vital we do not elect King Phillip. It will be too detrimental for our land.

Good luck to both candidates with proper credentials and genuine intentions.

Swiss here, Swiss there, Swiss everywhere

Elder Statesman, Defender of eSwitzerland from enemies both foreign and domestic