Bye Bye Erepublik Version 1

Day 958, 19:41 Published in USA USA by CrayolaButthole

With Version 2 coming in less than 36 hours i must take a few moments to give my thanks to Version 1. When i was born last year i was kinda lost, becasue i was new. I then joined the United Independents Party Soon after. There i would be an active party member. Version 1 has had its history including when 48 of 50 US states were conquered in late November. PTOers taking over parties, Many other notable things happened before i came like world wars 1-3. The most memorable Thing that happened in V.1 was GF Day the day the admin was banned.

Alot of good leaders rose to the call, others would quit and fall. This game is much more than a game, to many its is part of there real life. This game can be educational. From Congress to Party President to Country President. This game teaches the fundamentals of the Political Scene. This game teaches you how to run a business. This game teaches you the fundamentals of War mechanics. Many people have written their own Newspapers, racking up countless of numbers of Media Moguls Awards.

In Version 2 it will be different No more Gifts, the game is almost completely brand new. In V.2 we will all be Noobs. Lets make V.2 awesome and make more history. Lets Lead, lets be war hero's. Lets make V.2 More memorable than V.1

Thanks for your time. It was short, lol.
Hope everyone has migrated your skills. If not sorry to late. Everyone Gifts will not exist in V.2. Best thing find a gifting partner, Use them up or you will lose them.

See you in V.2 Everyone. Adios
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