Boycott the National Strike!!!!MU Commander strike back

Day 1,853, 01:17 Published in Ireland Ireland by Releasethe Krakken

quote = Department of defense "Extra notes: Please shout this article in your military units and parties; not everyone is subscribed to this paper, and MU commanders are useless liaisons."

Useless, we are useless. Like you have anyway proof bah humbug 😃

For the record I have participated in all previous National Strikes but only once got weapons and never got recognition. Well it anyway comes a bit late since Silver members got the bronze package earlier this week I went all in with 12 million damage in the France battle.

Well since we are so useless. I personally will encourage my friends and fellow MU members to boycott the National Strike.

I cant see how tactless statements like that help the national cause. I dont really expect anything better under our present CP's administration so think I will be holding either a counter strike or my members will have this month off.

Anyway it was also a very stupid comment considering that since you are the number 1 article in the country you would be on every players front page "DUMBASS"

For the record my MU command for the day: Since the DOD is so tactless we will be counter striking on the opposite side they chose. 15 Q7 weapons has been sent to you for this purpose.