Become a PANDA!

Day 2,183, 04:25 Published in Belgium Cyprus by Vincent Pain


Why PANDA? PANDA believes that unity between the People in Ebe wil bring change, and change we need!

Powers are limited to saying things. And rulers therefore only have power when the things they say, are believed. Only when these things are believed, people are willing to follow orders.

A ruler has power because he has the ability to the others do the things he telles them to do. He himself does nothing. At least, nothing but say things.

In this sense, for example, the pentagon was not criminal. They have never shot anyone, or placed people in prison. It were those who believed them and therefore obeyed orders. They were the ones who were willing to perform the actual crimes, which gave the pentagon power. Only by believing them and therefore to follow orders.

Bankers have power only because we believe that they have made ​​available cash value. They do nothing but say money value, and because that we believe that we have money and therefore the value. And because they have control over money, they thus control (and thus have power) over us. Not for what they say, but for what we believe.

Politicians only have power because we believe what they say. Because we believe that they represent us and that they take responsibility for us. Therefore, we continue to obey and that is just why they have actual power over us. Not for what they say, but for what we believe.

Strictly speaking rulers do nothing criminal. They only say things. Things we believe. If we do not believe, they would not have power and would therefore not be rulers.