Back in...Blue?

Day 1,159, 17:38 Published in Israel Israel by Sam Krak

Hi eIsrael. Remember me?I think I was your President last month, I'm not sure though.

I've been three-clicking with a couple of fights in-between for a while, because my RL just got like twenty times more busy.

Well now looks like a good time to get back into the game after my vacation away from it. So I am going for my 16th Knesset Term, which would give me the most congressional terms in eIsrael after tying Eyal Rev with 15 in my last term. That is a huge goal for me, showing how much I have contributed to this country. I am extremely proud of my record of service, and I only wish to add on more to it.

So yeah, I'm back in Blue.

I dunno, I like that color on me.

Ready to serve. Let's roll.

Sam Krakower