Age of the Boomers

Day 574, 00:00 Published in Canada Canada by Nosyt

Since I joined this game, our politics has been dominated by old beta players. Us boomers, though recognized as the future of Canada, never held any positions of leadership, at least until now.

Jacobi has proven that boomers have finally grown out of our noobish status, and have come to understand this game just as well as anyone else. The times are certainly changing. Congress is filled with boomers, and now the Party Presidential elections have come and two more boomers have been chosen to lead and represent their parties. Koolmanjack of DAL (congratulations dude), and myself, Nosyt for the CSD. Both of us were running against beta players, and both of us beat them beta’s bad 😛. Why? Because we have contributed more to our respective parties. That number by your avatar doesn’t mean anything, if you are active on the forums and dedicated to your cause, then being a boomer is no disadvantage. All it takes are those two things, activity, and dedication 😃

Now for the part where I cry for joy over winning the CSD elections 😛

I am honored to be elected as the party president of the CSD. What moves me most is that it was the first election where over 100 members voted for one candidate. That’s over 100 votes of confidence, and I intend to do my best not to let you guys down. The CSD is the largest party in eCanada at the moment, and holds considerable influence within the realm of eCanadian politics. I promise to use this power vested in me responsibly, and never to act without the approval of our members. I stand by all of our parties resolutions, but particularly the Resolution of Collaboration, which states:

“The CSD encourages all members to participate in the development of platforms, articles, press releases and friendly debate. The CSD cannot be a party of the people if we do not actively interact and work with eCanadians of all the corners of the nation.”

As the new Party President, I doubt I will be able to fill the shoes of our previous prez, Trenton Rendell, but I will most definitely try. As expressed in my platform, I intend to make a few changes to our party’s organization, to encourage active discussion amongst our members, and to make the CSD an even better family for her members than she already is. So make sure to check the forums once and a while 😉