Activity report of the eSwiss Ministry of Defence

Day 2,065, 21:46 Published in Switzerland Switzerland by Swiss Dep. of Defence
Greetings fellow Swiss!

Our team would like to present to you the report on the activities of the Ministry from the last week.
we put it briefly, you won't get bored

1. eSwiss military actions:

Last week we fought on several fronts, where we coordinated our actions with CoT.
Mainly we focused our efforts on helping Chile, Usa and Russia.
We also gave our support to Macedonia, Brazil, Mexico and Japan.

On a day 2062 we fought for our country in Svizerra Italiana.
This Resistant War was organized to facilitate the completion of mission "All for One".

2. Changes
We implemented a few changes such as "Soldier's Muse" or the title of MoD battle orders articles.
We are glad that you liked them, however we haven't receive any feedback regarding change of the title of battle orders articles. So we still wondering about your preferences.

3. Additional stuff

changes planned for this week
As the importance of battles is various, we will describe a difference between particular battle priorities.
This change come into force since next battle orders (day2069), as an integral part of every article.

a quick look for MoD team duties
If you were thinking about to join MoD team or you just wondering how exactly work for the Ministry looks like,
we would like to end this brief report by presenting you the list of our tasks.

MoD Team actions:

1. organizing damage for our country when war - call friends and good fighters and coordinate their strike
2. maintain contact with other MoD's and activity on foreign newspaper articles and irc channels
3. writing and updating articles with battle orders
4. writing an occasional articles - such as MoD reports or regardning war module stuff
5. send tanks to swiss citizens fighitng with orders and managing related google doc.
6. coordinate military actions with CoT
7. when war, supplying fighters on IRC - #swiss.power
8. updating orders via egov

Simply, this job is fantastic! and we are awesome!

Your MoD team
dyplomata z krakowa, Get What I Can, Benjamin Doverton