About the world cup event ,other stuff and Alexandria

Day 2,399, 16:22 Published in Ireland Ireland by Releasethe Krakken

Uruguay 1 - Costa Rica 3

🙁 🙁 🙁 - 😃

Yet again we are stumped by the 5th place requirement. I was a bit unlucky in the one but 3 5th places is beyond me.

Cry of the Banshee indeed congratz(Im speculating I am first in our team) I wont catch you anymore.

Oh and about Alexandria thx for quoting 3 stereotypes in 1 sentence I'm certain the moderators will miss that or even find it funny 🙁. Although we dont have a fried chicken joint here chicken is very popular indeed as its indeed very cheap. But no i wont describe it as a favorite more a necessity. Watermelons yes indeed I enjoy watermelons although they dont always go down well. Grape drink naw.

If you have question about the bible just type it in google and I'm certain it will be answered for you.

Remembering Hector Pieterson

Today is the 16th of June commonly known as Youthday to celebrate the death of Hector Pieterson on 16 June 1974

more info can be found here:Hector Pieterson