Abolish Slavery

Day 2,097, 17:12 Published in Pakistan Pakistan by TheJakal

I've been meaning to write this article for a very long time but kept delaying it because I feel that most of you won't get it. Those of you who will get it will either chuckle and hope it doesn't kick start anything.

See many of you complain the economy is broken, many of you blame Plato who for those who are new is basically the eRepublik administration for a bad economy, difficult and expensive life.

Just over a year ago there was a script that ran on erepublik that script used to purchase products off the market at a certain price. So the great economists of that time were able to understand and calculate the prices and produced or bought off #iTrade and sold products hence generating a small amount of profit and a small amount for the national treasury. Scale that up and there was a lot of currency floating around.

When they switched off that script and Plato will never acknowledge its existence the system broke, the economists who were not really economists but were really businessmen were unable to adapat to the fact that the products they produced and sold in such quantity was simply not in demand.

Plato tried to recitify this by introduced rockets, rockets can be produced by purchasing a rocket factory, costs a bit of gold and it gives you extra damage. You require various a bit of each weapon except the Q7 weapon but the idea was to eat up the other weapons that quite frankly less and less people used. Didn't quite work out as it was supposed to but that's life or Demand and Supply.

After the rocket factory the next major impact on production was the Q7 weapons and food. Q7 weapons in my personal opinion were an epic disaster, sure in the short run some people made HUGE profits, specially those who ran Weapons Raw Material ("WRM") Farms and those who were early owners of Q7 factories, prices started at 98 CC for a single Q7 weapons and about 0.48 CC for a single WRM, which was insane, sure enough people and governments still bought them but as more people started to produce WRM's and more Q7 factories came online prices steadily dropped. Supply exceeded demand and as demand is seasonal the situation changed.

Plato than tried again by introduce the military unit competitions, special missions and most recently the national shield and sure enough there was a slight affect on prices nothing substantial but it was there. Demand increased, supply stayed relatively the same and prices went up slightly. Nothing major.

You see Plato has understood all along that the problem doesn't lie with the architecture of the economy the problem lies with the governments and people and the self proclaimed economists who really are just businessmen.

Plato's attempts changes demand but it doesn't change the fact that this game is all about power and control. Every major business tycoon in this game either has an army of multis or an army of slaves that work at mininum wage. In most countries that wage is 1 CC. All the Military Units and Political parties who have given the name of communes to organizations that are really slave houses there leaders keep earning just a little bit more, most of those large tycoons are also funded by governments or high networth indvidiuals who would purchase their services from time to time either in cash, gold or weapons. The slaves become dependant on their masters, where governments think they are doing a favour for the people by keeping taxes and mininum wage low they are actually helping the tycoons in acquiring more slaves, those who will join the system and become dependant on food supplies and weapon supplies to do anything. Some of those slaves who would be in the top percentile of slavery pimp out their damage on #Mercenaries selling it to the highest bidder for that extra cash but most are content at the charity by their tycoon masters.

Plato recently modified the income tax to a work tax, where managers who work in their factories had to pay in most cases 1% of the national average salary although this was an interesting motion and it has its advantages but it also has its disadvantages. It can be a weapon of good for the country but it can also be an a weapon against them, where one mans high salary can bring in the entire nations average up but thats another topic for another day.

When the majority get paid 1 cc you destroy the break the rules of capitlism and jump straight into communism, yes it sounds great, but the guys who own these factories and have cheap labour are able to sell their products a low price, make a small profit. Prices remain low, so eventually the little guy can afford some of the basic stuff but nothing major, his luxury demands are met through the owner or the governments that give out free products for damage.
You see this would be great, if the costs of moving and the costs of sending an MPP was determined by the minimum wages, sadly those costs are fixed and those costs are what eat up most of the money. Small nations have to cough up 40,000 CC, larger nations 200,000 CC each month, throw in the cost of war, mercenaries, supplying tanks and suddenly you realise that all the governments are not independant, they are slaves to the tycoons. The select individuals who are either clever enough to run multis or charming enough to promise the dream family for the citizens so they sign up for a better life and low pay.

The solution is in the hands of the congress, the solution is to increase mininum wage to an acceptable level where the individual is able to fund his moving costs and live a stable independant life. This in turn will increase the money inflow to the government and before you say this is crazy it will also increase the prices of raw materials and final products but if there is anything we have learned it is that more people will invest in raw material and factories and eventually prices will drop and stabilize but the wages will be high enough to a) generate a decent amount of cash for the government and b) a decent amount for the individual to survive.

If you have read this far and you say "hmmmm, sounds interesting..." than let me throw in one final point, this concept is what Small Medium Enterprises ("SME") are in the real world. The commune runners are the huge mega corporations but the economy isn't run because of them, its the small medium enterprise, the small businss owner that makes the wheels turn.

It's time we actually realize this and its time, governments across the nations need to stand up and specially those countries with 10/10 bonus. Don't blame Plato, blame yourself for not being able to solve the problem.

I invite those who are interested to join my forums, why I chose not to put it up on eRepublik forums, simply because I can't get rid of trash there and I strongly believe in an enviroment with as little Plato influence as possible.


So I look forward to hearing your thoughts, inputs and most importantly I look forward to a more active role by governments in bringing the economy on the right track.

Kind Regards

Former Tank
Former Country President
Former Commune Runner