A psycho analysis of Mrs Padraig Pearse aka IRR

Day 1,870, 04:30 Published in Ireland Ireland by Releasethe Krakken

Recently IRR oir(fake irish accent) irish rebel reborn had some difficult issues to face about his sexuality. I noticed some cries for help in me (notice me instead of my 😛)articles and from my extensive psychiatric knowledge. I deduced the following message . [IRR whisperS] me phaggot where is closet door?

Now this is no laughing matter:

So this is how it went:

Doctor krakken: Padriag u there?
Padraig Pearse aka IRR from inside closet:yes doc

In the first test I show you some pics[croatian accent notice leaving out will after show]:

PP : ok doc


Dr Krakken: r u horny yet

PP: Should I be.

Dr krakken wipes sweat from brow whispers under breath "oh boyo"


Dr Krakken: Now

PP: afraid not.

3. RTK administers(to emphasis that we are busy with some heavy doctor shite) some shock treatment

PP sounding scare😛 what was that
DK: that was a whale or as the species is now known a snorlax
PP: jeeves

4. Ok now we have your system rebooted lets try one more.

PP: little girls voice and sounds kinda dissapointed afraid not doc.

Dr Krakken mmm pinky in left of mouth mmm ok lets try a different angle


From behind closet : boing

Dr Krakken: By golly my methods must be working!!! 🙂

PP:Im afraid doc it was the ass in combo with the boxer

RTK slaps Padraig Pearse silly. Stop it! GET A GRIP OF YOURSELF MAN(IN CAPTAIN KIRK VOICE)

PP:I cannot doc its a hot ember that burns inside me.

Dr Krakken: Here take these pills and go see a hooker in 20 days.