A prize thing for you all (no subscribing necessary)

Day 481, 16:13 Published in USA Czech Republic by milestailsprower

I do not need subscriptions. That's just hard and people can lie really easily about that.

I want money!

And here's how I'm going to get it.

Until April 15, 2009 EST midnight (maybe a little after), I will take donations of 1 USD.
At the end, I will give 7/10 of the money I get to some lucky person.
Do this:

1.) Donate 1 USD to me 🙂
2.) Post: "Donated"
3.) Wait

Only five tickets maximum. In the case that you do multiple tickets, post that many times.
I will pick the winner at random.

This time, I need at least 250 people, or I only give 4/10 (still a lot, but not as much)
So, it is in best interst to vote for this so it is popular and people will see.
Or, just get people involved by mailing them.

I will give regular updates on how much money is in the pot.

