A plea for more patriots

Day 2,413, 14:45 Published in Ireland Ireland by Releasethe Krakken

We have such great examples of them in Ireland "teh" Patriot

Countess Markievicz woman who fought for Ireland who refused to take seat in the house of commons who fought till their death for Ireland.

Its therefore extremely sad to me when we have RL Irish woman fighting for foreign MU's . In case if you did not know: if your citizenship is Ireland. You compete in out competitions but if you fight for a foreign MU then your damage accrue to that foreign country.

We see so many foreigners assigning themselves the right to comment on everything Irish.

We can take that patriot word and throw away the front p that gives you atriot shuffling gives you traito and then we only need to add a final r to describe these players perfectly.

For you see these is the players who report our players and our articles.

That is their single contribution to Ireland. But in the end like all orcs their game has no durability they have no last. They sponsor a game or a handout and then demand conduct according to their set of rules. They cant win because they are not playing for a pat on the back or a good job sir no these players play to control. They want to control so that they are in charge so that they get more and more and more. Greed and the love for money is such a sad disease for you can never have enough , can you?

You see they cannot claim any of the prizes that befell Ireland the shield , the 7000 gold and the massive damage fighters we have gained has nothing to do with them.

No this is due to our mercenaries our division of fighters that fight for the joy of fighting for Ireland alone.

But I had hope for them or some of them we all thought they could contribute but it seems their contribution was to demand rather than to help Ireland.

I do not really mind players fighting for foreign MU's but atleast fight during a country fight for Ireland. And lastly if you have anything to say about Ireland say it as an Irish Citizen fighting for a Irish MU and being part of an Irish party else SHUT UP!! For your contribution for Ireland is zero tbh.

I will finish with this quote for them and I want them to remember this as their fighting for their foreign countries:

Flower of Scotland