A Dedication

Day 1,011, 21:47 Published in Canada Canada by TemujinBC
A Dedication

To Acacia Mason, the one who causes buttons (and Britons) to flee in terror...

To The Crimson Order, a pearl of great worth that continually increases in value...

To Penguin, you bring lulz in a way that no one else can...

To Irishbhoy1967, you, sir, are an inspiration...

To Crisfire, your efforts to help new players and you selfless giving is remarkable...

To Addy Lawrence, keep flipping those tiles and fightin' for Canada, Daddy...

To Powerown64, the 60th best member of EPIC...

To Chucky Norris, you need to miss a few days of erep so I can catch you in exp 😃 ...

To JBDivinus, who plays this game the way it was meant to be played...

To all those that fought for eCanada over the past two weeks...

To all those that spent gold, used boosters, bought wellness packs, went berzerk, stayed up late, fought valiantly, capped tiles, kicked ass, took names...

This One is For You:

(PS Ya, it's Battalgazi)

Canada may not be the largest nation in eRepublik.

We may not have the strongest tanks.

We may not boast the richest economy.

But we are a nation with an immeasurable wealth in citizens

And together we can achieve great things, accomplish great things, attain great things.

The unity we have shared the past two weeks can extinguish just as quickly as it was kindled if we allow it. It is on a day such as that, when our singular focus becomes blurred, that our enemies will seize the opportunity and strike. They will strike without prejudice, they will strike without mercy, and they will strike without regard for your partisan affiliation, your militia loyalty, your longevity in the game.

But no matter how stacked the odds may seem. How strong the enemy may appear. How many regions may fall to the enemy...

We can stand victorious, because we are eCanadians.

Hugs and Kisses,
