ZERO skill jobs gone. Huge influx of new citizens

Day 436, 16:25 Published in USA USA by Joe DaSmoe

I was sent a pm about a shout posted by a new eCitizen.

How do I get a job without any skills? Nobody is hiring. Am I missing something?

Apparently we are missing something. SOMEONE GIVE THIS MAN A JOB.
If he hasn't quit already..

So I looked at Human Resources and zero skills jobs.

If we intend to grow our nation this will definately not help. We need to work toward enhancing small business growth. There are no jobs because most companies reach Max productivity at 10 employees. Constuctions reach it at 20 but there are a limited number of them due to the start-up costs. This simple fact is why I bitch about import taxes all the time. We need American Companies with America in mind.

This game is boring enough when you first discover it. Not being able to work will make it suck even worse.

Just got my second Hard Worker Medal btw 😉
