[WYD] Why I Support eIndia Staying in EDEN (Day 1856)

Day 1,856, 06:21 Published in India Canada by Addy Lawrence


BATNA. Best Alternative To Negotiated Agreement. Always be aware of your BATNA. Life is full of choices and maintaining the status quo is always an option. It is your personal responsibility to determine what your alternatives are.

eIndia is going through a referendum on whether to leave EDEN or not. What is the BATNA?

On why the referendum has come to fruition...

It has recently been discovered that eIndia has a foreign affairs problem. The first sign was when eCroatia asked for financial relief on the rent it was paying for the regions of eIndia that it was occupying. The second was when eCroatia decided to return one of the rented regions (Karnataka) to eIndia and then proceeded to fiercely defend the region when eIndia started RW’s to take it back. The third sign was when EDEN sloughed off eIndia’s request of them to talk to eCroatia about returning the region and co-operating with eIndia. The fourth sign was when eCroatia, with the consultation of EDEN, decided to RW a region back to eIndia in order to assist eCroatia in their war with eINDO and completely excluded eIndia from the discussion.

All of these signs point to eIndia not being in a position of mutual respect with eCroatia nor EDEN. The knee jerk reaction is to leave EDEN, or more accurately, have a referendum on whether to leave EDEN or not.

On the alternatives available if eIndia leaves EDEN...

What is eIndia’s BATNA? If we run away from the problem, what solution are we running to? Isolation? Alienation? No allies? Not a pleasant alternative. I'm disappointed that the alternatives are not listed on the referendum. Running away from EDEN and into the dangerous and freezing wilderness is not a BATNA in my opinion.

On looking inward...

When was the last time eIndia issued a battle order to aid an ally in EDEN? How many MPP’s with EDEN members does eIndia have? Is eIndia truly being the best ally or member of an alliance that is should be?

Let’s look deeper. The regions we don’t have are not costing us any economic bonuses, they are duplicates. The rent we do get for those regions amounts to $80,000 a month which is more than double what eIndia collects in taxes each month. What is our alternative solution if we end our relationship with eCroatia?

On the conflict that remains if we stay in EDEN...

I do not like the state of the relationship between eIndia and eCroatia nor the relationship between eIndia and EDEN; both lack mutual respect in my opinion. Nontheless, there is no better alternative at the moment. Neither CoT nor TWO have offered us membership in their alliance and no other country out there has come to eIndia’s side against eCroatia and EDEN. Again, reflecting on what eIndia has invested in its relationships with EDEN and eCroatia, maybe we are getting what we deserve.

eIndians are being asked to participate in a referendum on whether to leave EDEN or not. I believe eIndia needs an alliance because it will get wiped without allied support. I also believe in building mutual respect between our alliance and eIndia. I am not convinced that eIndia has done it’s 50% in building mutual respect with EDEN.


If it is not reciprocated, then I support soliciting interest from other alliances who are prepared to build such a relationship.


Whichever alliance eIndia chooses to be a member of, EDEN or otherwise, we must build mutual respect with the stakeholders involved.

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