[WYD] What's Up With eCan's Tax Revenues? (Day 1797)

Day 1,797, 10:43 Published in Canada Canada by Addy Lawrence

I'm impressed Addy, an MDP in my day wouldnt of even had a second thought in voting for the sponsored candidate.


I would say the economy in this game sucks but that is common knowledge AND it isn't truly an economy because admin exercises too much influence. Regardless, it is tough to sell what you produce and it is tough for the government to pay for MPPs and fund Military Units.

There used to be an Economic Advisory Council in eCanada and they used to track stuff and make recommendations. As far as I can tell, this group is dead. This article is the sort of stuff that would happen in that group.

On the indisputable facts...

The cash balance in treasury is available from the country administration page. Once in a while I log that figure and put it on this spreadsheet.

The government expenditures are available in the country administration page as well, I log those expenses in the spreadsheet.

Tax revenues occur continuously and increase the cash balance. At any given time between two noted cash balances you can solve for tax revenue using basic algebra.

Based on this premise, here is the general ledger of eCan over the past 45 days. Note that VAT was not unified until just 32 days ago, and at 17%. And 13 days ago, VAT was changed to 20%. It is important to keep VAT unified. There is no way to tell how much of the tax revenue comes from food or tanks, so keeping them both at 17% renders this point moot.

On moving averages...

Now, there are issues with this data collection method, namely it is not done EXACTLY at server reset. This creates a cut-off error for the daily tax revenues.

To address this issue, I keep a rolling average of daily tax revenues. The last 7 days, the last 14 days and the last 30 days. This reduces the noise of promotions by admin and is better and establishing trends.

On statistical predictions based on the data...

For a regression analysis to possess statistical confidence, it must have an R value higher than 0.8000 and both of these analyses fail that test. More data needs to be collected to make a decision with statistical confidence.

On my personal observations and conclusions...

eCan has been losing regions daily for a week. eCdns in ePoland occupied territory are likely shopping in the ePoland market and enjoying the prices, which has a negative impact on eCan tax revenues.

The 7 Day Average has been dropping for over a week and the 14 Day has been dropping for the last 3 days. Even the 30 day average is starting to trend down.

It is difficult to say "it's because VAT is high" because the fact we are losing regions hurts as well.

If a change is made, I would recommend dropping the VAT significantly to 10% so that we can collect data at a lower point and see if we can increase the confidence level of the analysis. We already have observations at 17%.

To obtain any statistical confidence at any given rate of VAT, it is imperative to leave the rate unchanged afterward for at least 10 days and also to keep VAT for food and tanks the same.


Taxes affect everyone. Abundant taxes enable government to provide excellent social programs and defence. No taxes really tie your hands. Taxes can't be changed by one person, it requires a collective effort to change them. I hope that this educates folks a bit with respect to the tax situation and that people do not act rashly in response to any disappointment with tax revenues.

Who's your daddy?

Addy's your daddy!!!