[WYD] United India Writing Contest is Closed (Day 1830)

Day 1,830, 13:17 Published in India Canada by Addy Lawrence


I must admit, I was getting worried that nobody was going to enter the contest. Submissions were slow to come in, non-existent for the longest time, and at one point the eIndia media all but dried up with only two articles active in the latest 48 hour period. Alas, eIndia did not disappoint and the media blossomed. Several submissions were received.

Any article posted after this article has missed the submission deadline. Don't worry, there will likely be another contest sponsored by India United, the Ghadar Party.

On the submissions that made India United's Writing Contest...

In case you missed them, here are the articles that are eligible for one of the top three prizes in the India United Writing Contest. I've listed them in the order that they were release😛

varundewan submitted this article:

M. Khurram submitted this article:

SykoFk submitted this article:

Hem Sharma submitted this article:

Wild Quark submitted this article:

On the criteria used to determine the winner...

The contest is restricted to players with eIndian citizenship.

To qualify as an entry in the contest, the article must be tagged with [IUWC] in the title.

The article must be on topic and begin with the following, "The future of eIndia is very bright because..."

Articles must be no more than 1,000 words in length.

You do not have to be a member of India United to qualify, this contest is open to all citizens regardless of partisanship.

The IUWC Committee will judge the articles, members of the committee cannot enter the contest. The committee is comprised of Dinesh Raju, ShockWavve and myself. I am the Chair of the committee. Judging will be based on:
-50% Quality of Journalism
-50% Relevance to the theme (Why eIndia's future is bright)

Prizes have been donated to this project by Asmitatheone and myself. Thank-you Asmita for the prizes and for trusting me enough to hold them until the winner is declared. The top three articles will receive prizes:
-First gets 40 Q7's and 1,000 INR
-Second gets 30 Q7's and 750 INR
-Third gets 20 Q7's and 250 INR


Look for the winner to be announced tomorrow!!!

Who's your daddy?

Addy's your daddy!!!