[WYD] UAgg Members to Start Running for Elected Positions (1854)

Day 1,854, 09:31 Published in India Canada by Addy Lawrence


Just under two months ago, United Aggression was welcomed into eIndia. As a member of United Aggression, I appreciate the risk that Alector took in accepting my citizenship request. My colleagues and I have tried our best to integrate with the eIndia community. One condition of our acceptance into eIndia was that we would not seek elected positions for a two month period. That two month period will soon expire. It is likely that you will see UAgg members on the upcoming ballots for congress. This will be the focus point of this article.

On the implications of political activity...

First and foremost, there is a demographic within UAgg that really enjoy the political module. I'm one of them. We will be politically active, and campaign, and get involved. Please don't mistake this "political activity" for a political take over.

On the prospect of a United Aggression political party...

We discussed this at length within our MU. Concerns were brought up that we are not fully integrated enough into eIndia, and that we never will be in some cases, and that this will limit opportunities for us. Creating our own party would get around those limitations.

However, it was also discussed that creating our own party would permanently divide ourselves and prevent full integration with eIndia. In fact, it could undo work done to date! We decided to fully commit to the integration concept and work with existing parties, not just one, but the ones that appeal to us as individuals. There will be no UAgg political party.

On what you can expect from UAgg politicians...

In general, our members are older in RL. Most of us are career professionals and over 25. We are a different bunch and value playing the game with integrity and purpose.

In the course of our discussion about forming a party, we outlined some guiding principles. I am sharing them with all of eIndia now so that you can hold us accountable to them. I also invite members of UAgg to post a comment below committing to follow them:

Statement of Principles:
-Act with honesty
-Establish and maintain mutual respect
-Work hard on the tasks you accept
-Be a good partner
-Act with integrity
-Foster a no-nonsense, results oriented approach to the game
-Set realistic goals and declare them
-recruit and retain based on being part of something bigger than oneself

On what we have learned so far in trying to integrating...

We had a recent conversation within our MU about how frustrating it can be trying to integrate, not because either side is inflexible or unwilling, but simply different.

One of our members summarized it very well:

"eIndians know each other. They call each other by their real first names, call each other on cell. They live in a RL culture that puts emphasis on non violence. They live in a country where there is enormous value placed on courtesy, co-operation and mental power. Yes they are different.

You are dealing with a small group of people who don't have unreasonable ambitions. They recognize Uagg as a significant voting bloc with a different culture and the potential to radically change how things work in the community. The potential of eIndia can be realized and one way in which to do it is to persuade existing opinion leaders. When they start talking about realistic goals and implementation we will have a start. Granted, the community could use a prod in that direction. Introducing an idea or two would help. Introducing a solution or two not so much. They like skype."

I share this so that you know we are trying and we are learning.


We will make mistakes, and they will be made in good faith.

We will continue trying to integrate with the eIndian community.

Our waiting time has provided us with many lessons and we look forward to future lessons.

Who's your daddy?

Addy's your daddy!!!