[WYD] Two cents from the eUS Exec's C'Addy (Day 1769)

Day 1,769, 10:06 Published in USA Canada by Addy Lawrence


Caddies provide you advice. You either take it or leave it. Here is two cents for the eUS executive.

On the poison pill strategy...

The current administration endorses what I call a "poison pill" strategy in eUS. The idea is that 100/100 bonuses make eUS too attractive and people come into the country for the bonuses. Amongst those that come to the country for the bonuses are Trojan Horse PTO threats posing as econo-centrics. Someone's bright idea is to lose 100/100 and drop to 80/80, a poison pill, and people will leave the country.

This is a silly strategy. PTO threats target a country for political reasons, not economic reasons. The poison pill will be effective at purging those who are here primarily for the economic bonuses, like myself, but they won't be effective at getting rid of the political guerrillas.

I observed on eNPR that the poison pill strategy is working, people are leaving, and I argue that the WRONG people are leaving. The econo-centric players who support a 100/100 strategy are leaving and the bulk of them would make excellent "eAmericans" if they were given a chance. With them gone, it only strengthens the power of the political guerrillas.

The poison pill strategy is fail.

On the "less is more" strategy...

The current administration thinks that fewer regions in the country make it easier to defend against a PTO. This makes less sense with the recent changes to the political module but it made weak sense prior to the change. Even in a 15 state nation, like eCan, PTOs are a threat and they are effectively managed with blockers and an information campaign, not contracting the country.

eUS has five times the population of eCan but not even twice the number of congressmen, and eCan has been able to block PTO threats in the past (when they worked together). eUS requires far less co-operation given the large numbers it has, effectively manage the threats with good candidates and patriotic blockers.


As in most competitive scenarios, you succeed by effectively executing a strategy to win, not a strategy to not lose. You can't rally around "not doing something", you dig deeper for a victory if you must "do something".

Play to win eUS, drop the "poison pill" and "less is more" strategies.

Who's your daddy?

Addy's your daddy!!!