[WYD] Recruitment v Retention (Day 1839)

Day 1,839, 10:04 Published in India Canada by Addy Lawrence


There has been quite a bit of talk in the media, government and Ghadar Party IU about recruitment and retention. In addition, CP Candidate Uv Ajed has approached me about being Minister of Media and Competition. Recruitment and retention are two very different things and I wanted to explore them here.

On recruitment...

IMO, recruitment is getting people to join something. Joining eRep altogether, or gaining citizenship in a country, or joining a political party, or joining an MU or taking up employment somewhere.

The responsibility to recruit, if any, lies with the benefactor of the recruitment activity.

Admin has a vested interest in people joining the game.

The country stakeholders have a vested interest in citizens joining eIndia.

Party leaders have a vested interest in citizens joining their party.

MU Commanders, and to a lesser extent military leaders of a country, have a vest interest in citizens joining their MU.

Company owners have a vested interest in citizens joining their companies.

I have seen too many instances over the past three years where a government recruitment program was led under the flag of objectivity only to find out later that power corrupted the individuals in charge and they funneled members into other groups for personal gain and they skimmed money off the top of all funding received for the purposes of recruitment.

The classic case of this was the Ministry of Industries in eCanada. A portfolio of government owned companies was maintained in an org and managed by the Minister of Industries. The Minister was responsible to operate these companies at break even to provide employment to new players and indoctrinate them into the game and the country of eCanada. This group competed with the private sector because they received large government subsides, so they crippled the ability for employers to recruit because private employers didn't have the deep pockets that government had. Over time, the Minister built up a huge company portfolio and dictated prices for products, raw and labour. The Minister offered raises to employees who joined his political party. The Minister gave preferential treatment to suppliers on the market who shared his partisanship. It was corrupt. It was doomed to fail from the beginning because the Ministry took on a responsibility that they did not have a stake in. It is not government's responsiblity to recruit employees.

This is not an isolated incident. I have seen Military Unit Commanders receive government funding to fight as directed by the government only to turn around and use that money for self-interested purposes. It is a slippery slope and complete transparency is required. Above all else, the arrangement has to be aligned with the incentive.

If the eIndia government is going to launch a recruitment campaign, I believe they should recruit citizens from other countries to gain citizenship here.

On retention...

IMO, retention begins where recruitment ends. Retention is keeping citizens around. The best way to keep citizens around is to engage them. The best way to engage a citizen is to develop a relationship with them.

MU Commanders should have a relationship with their soldiers.

Party leaders should have a relationship with their party members.

Employers should have relationship with their employees.

Country leaders should have a relationship with their citizens.

Admin should have a relationship with their customers.

IMO, government money should not be allocated to retention programs where there isn't a clear responsibility. A country needs a military, so I do see a bona fide connection to funding military units, but the onus is on the MU Commander to show how the spending of this money advances the interests of the country's military strategy. The MU Commander is biased to find a way that achieves this AND improves retention of its members.

It is silly for a government to provide funding for retention when partisanship gets in the way.

Noobs will be taken care of by ambitious party leaders and MU commanders who want to grow their groups. Governments only get in the way, or even worse, provide opportunities for ambitious party leaders and MU commanders to corrupt the system.


Recruitment is very different from retention. Be cognizent of which is which and who benefits from the activity.

Do I believe that all people will take the path of corruption if it presents itself? No, but more will take it than you think.

I believe that people are more likely to succeed where they are set up to succeed. MU Commanders and Party Leaders will retain people, they are biased to do that. Government should adopt a laissez-faire approach to that retention. Government funds for recruitment to the country make sense when they are non-partisan, otherwise corruption will set it.

eIndia has a lot to offer. Keep corruption out, focus on what you have control over.

Who's your daddy?

Addy's your daddy!!!