[WYD] Getting MDP's Mojo Back (Day 1775)

Day 1,775, 18:12 Published in Canada Canada by Addy Lawrence

I don't know if Addy is MDP material or not.
- Rylde's comment to last article

He wouldn't have in the good old days. But the MDP these days is a watered down pussified version of itself. I'm sure he'll do just fine.
- Muglack's comment to Rylde


As a member of MOO, heck founder and PP of MOO, I never liked coming up against MDP, but I always respected the way they operated and what they could accomplish. Let's be candid, MOO and MDP were each other's nemesis. MOO may have fallen off the top five map but it is becoming apparent to me that MDP has lost its mojo. The current MDP is a shadow of its former self, just ask Muglack.


MDP has been pwned in congress the last three months, party elder Rylde would consider this an embarassment. MDP did not even finish top two in the last two elections, and they received less than one in five votes in the past election. Weak, and all on SBR's watch. In the MDP that I squared off against, repeatedly, the same one who served as a political nemesis to MOO, leaders that failed received swift punishment. Where was SBR’s punishment for failing? Why did MDP allow “failing” to become a habit? This brings me to my next point confirming that MDP has lost its groove.

MDP no longer has a military council. There is no longer an inner sanctum that ensures the Dictator is performing. Maybe I shouldn't be so hard on SBR, after all, he didn’t have a military council to bounce ideas off of, to speak when asked, to provide guidance when sought, to provide strategy when one was needed. The military council has been replaced by the "Coalition Leadership Group". Coalition? The MDP I remember stood fast and stood alone, it took on it's political adversaries mano-a-mano. The first iteration of MDP was predicated on objecting to MOO and being unfair to members of MOO. Notice that it wasn't "cuddle up to MOO". It is sad to see bravado in the face of competition evolve into bromance with the competition. MDP shouldn't have to cozy up to other parties for relevance, they didn't need to before. MDP has lost their mojo. This brings me to my next point confirming that MDP has lost its groove.

eCan has no financial security (reserves) and there is no pursuit of an aggressive military campaign. The coffers of eCan are very low and MU funding is terrible, this is the very epitome of financial INSECURITY!!! eCan is not at war and is not being aggressive with anyone. The political landscape of the country has softened because MDP has lacked discipline in executing its party policy.


I think we all know why MDP got soft, it’s plain as day. Norsefire tempted MDP with political power and MDP accepted. MDP then became weak because they didn’t have to fight hard for things, they didn’t have to work together to achieve things, they didn’t have to maintain an order between dictator and drones to get things accomplished. They got fat. They lost focus. They lost their integrity. Well, I’m here to restore integrity to MDP.


As a long-time witness to what MDP stood for, and as a full fledged member with 24 hours experience, I reject Dictator SBR’s appointment of Venerable as the new Dictator of MDP. I reject it on the grounds that SBR should have been removed from office by a functional military council months ago, when he lost his first (or second, or third) congress election, and in the true spirit of MDP mojo he has no authority to hand off the leadership of the party to someone else.

I’m running for PP of MDP and intend to lead it the way it fought against me many months ago.

I am going to terminate the agreement with Norsefire, it makes the party soft.

I will install an MDP military Council consisting of MDP party members who possess leadership skills that I respect tremendously. Homer J Simpson. Rylde. Eric Last. Sir DeLongName. JSB. Mary Chan. And on a character reference from someone I trust implicitly, Venerable.

I will then go about asserting the 8 party tenets, listed below, and get this party back into fighting shape.


1. Voices are only meant to be heard when asked to speak and know what they are talking about

2. Leadership is pre-ordained and not open to democratic vote.

3. Failure in leadership will lead to swift punishment from the military council.

4. Congressman will operate upon the direction of the Party Dictator when ordered.

5. Taxes will be used to fund the nation’s military units to help them achieve maximum efficiency through programs aimed at both the MU and its members

6. Quarter will be neither asked for or given.

7. Financial security and protection of the nations funds is priority one in governance.

8. Actively pursue aggressive military campaigns in accordance with #7.


I'm not here to PTO the MDP, I'm here to reclaim the MDP. I don't intend to run the party into the ground, I intend to whip this party back into the shape that made it famous; money for guns, guns for war, war for booze.

I'm not asking for your vote, that would be seeking quarter.

I'm explaining to you what I'm doing because I've been asked and I'm willing to speak because I know what I'm talking about.

Who's your daddy?

Addy's your daddy!!!