[WYD] Dictator Has No Clothes, VP Has Slave Clothes (Day 1788)

Day 1,788, 14:12 Published in Canada Canada by Addy Lawrence

Without an effective Military Council, the MDP Dictator has been allowed to fail. A culture of tolerance has developed, and that is not cool. Quarter has been sought from Norsefire in the form of political support. It got Rylde elected to CP, and it continued the stagnation of politics in eCanada. Now, the MDP Dictator has no swagger, they are dependent upon Norsefire for political influence, and they can't finish top two in congress. The Dictator truly has no clothes.

When an MDP soldier submits to slavery, they don't expect this. Slaves will run through walls for you if you respect them. The Coalition does not respect its slaves and drones. With an MDP Dictator subordinate to the Coalition Leadership Group, this is the future of the Military Dictatorship Party. Uncool. But there is an option.

The path of the badass man is beset on all sides by those who seek quarter and the tyranny of those who are not slaves. Fortune favours the bold, who in the name of leadership and lulz, shepherds the slaves through the valley of eRepublik. For he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost swagger. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy the integrity of Leadership. And you will know I am the Dictator when I lay my vengeance upon you.

I'm not a dyed in the wool MDP guy, but I respect what MDP stands for. MDP stands tall and stands alone and they stand in the middle of the fray. Only the strongest leaders are able perform under such conditions. I am blazing a trail for the MDP drones to follow.

I've been asked many times, "Why the heck do you want to be Dictator of MDP?"

Well, I'll come clean. I want to see the VP of eCan in a Princess Leia slave girl costume.


Call it winter, call it PTO, call it whatever you want, I'm doing it.

Who's your daddy?

Addy's your daddy!!!