[WYD] Destination Integrity, Will You Follow? (Day 1785)

Day 1,785, 08:21 Published in Canada Canada by Addy Lawrence


We are at that point in the election cycle, or dictatorial cycle in the case of MDP. You can only follow one lead.

On failure to lead...

A Dictator is a ruler who assumes sole and absolute power, but not officially sanctioned by heritage.

A Coalition is a pact among individuals or groups during which they cooperate in joint action.

MDP used to be the most magnanimous guy in the room, plenty of swagger, a full head of hair, and a big swinging Johnson.

Then MDP was tempted, with quarter. Repeatedly.

And assaulted, by those whom provided it quarter. Repeatedly.

Now MDP is bloated, out of shape, with a flat ass from sitting around a boardroom table with the Coalition, discussing issues with other members of the Coalition Leadership Group, the CLG. May as well stand for CLoGged arteries.

MDP is no longer an autonomous party with a Dictator, it is the member of a cabal, a committee member keeping people busy with make work projects.

On the leader's journey...

A Leader is someone you will follow to a place you will not go yourself. Soldiers of MDP, look around you, look at where you have been led. You have been led HERE by your Dictator who is a member of a Coalition Leadership Group. Are you truly proud of where you are? Do you believe that you are in a place consistent with the spirit of the party founders?

Leadership is not preordained. The Dictator selects the leader and the Military Council holds them accountable. This circle of trust has been broken. MDP needs to be made whole again, providing a clear path for many eCanadians to follow, leading to badass eCanada. Only a true leader can become MDP Dictator and achieve this.

A tap on the shoulder from the outgoing puppet of the Coalition is not good enough. This time, MDP needs swagger. MDP needs a full head of hair. MDP needs the guy with the biggest Johnson in the room.

On October 16th, I will lead a journey for MDP soldiers that will end the Coalition. The journey will affirm the 8 party tenets. It will include the installation of a functional and relevant a military council. And at the end of that journey, we will all find integrity of MDP's Dictator and it's party and eCan will be stronger for it.


Call it winter, call it PTO, call it whatever you want, I'm doing it.

Who's your daddy?

Addy's your daddy!!!