[WYD] Credibility of MDP Hurt SBR's CP Chances (1782)

Day 1,782, 06:41 Published in Canada Canada by Addy Lawrence


I cast vote number 72 for SBR yesterday. SBR and I wear the same colours and that is what you do when you share colours with someone, particularly when you are a drone and have subjugated yourself to the Dictator. After I cast my vote, I was quite shocked to see the lead that EPD had over SBR, not even close.

Congratulations EPD on your CP victory, you are a worthy candidate. It is unfortunate the SBR did not go out with a bang, he's earned that much. The purpose of this article is review why it didn't happen that way.

Credibility is key...

With the support of 9 political parties, how do you lose an election to a candidate with only two parties supporting him? A candidate who is over three years old in game and still at level 24? The answer centers around credibility. Credibility of the candidates running for office and of the parties doing the nominating.

SBR is reputable, trustworthy, and active in his own right, he simply lacks traditional political credibility. He is what they call "an empty suit" in RL politics, presence without substance. Sure, he has been around, seemingly forever, but he has never navigated through the deep political waters before, never established a beach-head. Being at the top or sitting in congress looks good on a resume, proposing and passing legislation or driving party policy looks better on a resume. EPD represents a freshness and newness, a “NoobPower” that is sorely needed in righting the good ship SS eCanada. Ironic given he's 3 years old in-game, but he's a relative unknown. He’s the great white hope of sorts for the Loyalists and is cast very well as a viable underdog for the long oppressed Loyalist half of the eCan struggle between light and dark. Pretty tough to compete against that.

SBR is an MDP candidate and MDP has lost a lot of swagger over the past few months. Rylde’s curtailment of play is a big factor, so is the kow-towing to Norsefire as a member of the Coalition. Selling out, or as the MDP tenets phrase it “seeking quarter”, diminishes the party’s credibility. But MDP is only one party, what about the other 8 that supported SBR? Norsefire Party of Canada, Norsefire – Wolfpac Chapter, and Coalition Party of the NF-MDP headline the group. These are the key parties in the Coalition which have led eCan to where it is today, electing inactive leaders and practicing lulzy kleptocracy. They substitute genuine credibility with all the "support" that they can buy with gold and ill will. It is becoming clear that they are out of new customers and their existing ones are getting tired of their shtick.

The time has come to break up the Coalition. The time has come for MDP to once again walk the political landscape of eCan with swagger. It is time for the Dictator to start walking tall.


On October 15th, a Dictator will lead a renaissance of the MDP.

Who's your daddy?

Addy's your daddy!!!